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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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LitlBuck;1930998; said:
After reading the SI article, I keep on thinking about this so I thought I might as well post it even though I probably will take a severe beating.

Even though most of the SI article cannot be substantiated by the NCAA for some reason I think it will be in the back of the minds of the members of the Infractions Committee when they decide our fate and I do not think it is going to be a pretty sight. I might be totally off base but I think if we get less than what USC received we will be very fortunate. Remember, quite a bit out of the USC stuff could not be substantiated either.

I keep coming back to USC's case involving multiple sports vs. OSU's case only involving football. Even after Tressel's initial cover-up, it SEEMS as though the university has complied with the NCAA and self-reported everything substantial to date.

If more facts come out, like I think they will, I think I will be more inclined to agree with you. However, right now, I just can't go quite that far to be honest. Forfeiture of 2010 wins and scholarship reductions, I believe to be the penalty for what has come to light, thus far.
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The bottom line is Tressel came in with baggage and was hired. He put himself in this position and tOSU and fans will suffer for years. I am sure the powers than be would sign up for the same penalties as USC right now......it will be worse. tOSU will survive and hopefully will employee men of integrity and recruit likewise.
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buxfan4life;1930989; said:
I would think that now is the time for the change. The new AD will have been part of the body cavity search that is currently going on within the department and will be better off in the long run knowing where the cracks were and what needs to be watched more closely in the future.

I too would like to clean house but who takes an AD job amidst a scandle....like it or not Gene Smith has to ride this out untill its over. Firing Gene Smith at this point would also look like an admission of loic... I know it looks as though things may swing that way any way but still. I see where your coming from I almost want a clean sweep and the BoT go to the hearing and say we blew it up what do we get and we will make this right...
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SmoovP;1930928; said:
I didn't think it was inevitable until the Ray Small quotes came out.

I thought it was inevitable at the press conference. The sound bite that Buckeye fans need to replay in their ears over and over is the one that doomed him:

"I'm just hopeful that the coach doesn't dismiss me..."
- Gordon Gee

To me, that was a very damming thing to say and when I heard it, I immediately put my head down and was like, oh...no....
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alexhortdog95;1931013; said:
I thought it was inevitable at the press conference. The sound bite that Buckeye fans need to replay in their ears over and over is the one that doomed him:

"I'm just hopeful that the coach doesn't dismiss me..."
- Gordon Gee

To me, that was a very damming thing to say and when I heard it, I immediately put my head down and was like, oh...no....

Nah... and even the talking heads who say it was ill advised-- and it was-- understand that's just E. Gordon being E. Gordon...
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nookam;1931009; said:
The bottom line is Tressel came in with baggage and was hired. He put himself in this position and tOSU and fans will suffer for years. I am sure the powers than be would sign up for the same penalties as USC right now......it will be worse. tOSU will survive and hopefully will employee men of integrity and recruit likewise.

This post just has stupid all over it...
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Gatorubet;1930840; said:
The South is more obsessed with football than the Big-10, present maniacs excepting. The press follows the programs just as obsessively. If you do not think that the Bama press followed the Cam story, it is because you are up there and Alabama is down here. Nobody in Tuscaloosa has any idea about the Dispatch and what they print, nor would I expect y'all to follow the Alabama press and its quest for Cam dirt.

Take my word for it, the last thing in the world the Cam story has attached to it is an uninterested press and public. The Cam story is not a matter of "if" but "when". Y'all have rows of fertile ground to plow bashing our football ethics, but this allegation - that nobody cares about the Cam scandal - is not one of them.

Pardon me, but I have a hard time believing that if the Auburn, Alabama media had stalked Cam to the tune that the Columbus, Ohio media has stalked Pryor, that nothing would have come to light yet. As someone else said in this thread--send Dohrman down to Alabama. I'd wager that he'd find a heck of a lot more than he found in that "earth shattering" article that was posted to si.com last night.
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nookam;1931009; said:
The bottom line is Tressel came in with baggage and was hired. He put himself in this position and tOSU and fans will suffer for years. I am sure the powers than be would sign up for the same penalties as USC right now......it will be worse. tOSU will survive and hopefully will employee men of integrity and recruit likewise.


that was stoopid.
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The support from the fans won't change, nor will the interest from high end coaches once we start of coaching search. OSU and Texas are the top two programs that have such immeasurable support from not only the fans but in many cases the whole freakin state. We will land someone like Urban, Dantonio, Nebraska's coach (which escapes me at the moment), or even Luke Fickel and we will continue forward with all these being a minor speed bump. This program wasn't built in the last ten years and it certainly won't fall int he next 2-5.

One thing to consider though is to get some of these high profile games off the upcoming schedules though because for the immidiate future we may not have all the scholarships to go up against some of these non conference power teams.
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bukIpower;1930991; said:
What's funny about all of this is I was one that was so nervous of Pryor going to Michigan and making our life hell. Now, I wish he would've. When the star player is driving around cars and trading things in for cash and tattoo's and not getting caught what do you think a player like Solomon Thomas or Boom Herron is thinking? LEAD BY EXAMPLE, can either be one of the best methods of leadership or in this case one of the absolute worst. Now we will all feel the consequences for the next 2-5 years.

This may be slightly OT, but I truly hope that the next coach, whether Luke or someone else, learns from this and is picky about the type of athletes they recruit, from a character standpoint.

Makes me grateful for Sully and his family, he seems much more "legit" than Terrelle, less "superstar."

Oh, and my god, SI needs to put their ego's away. The section of the article that stated Tress was forced out AFTER SI reported to the school that they had found new information. Which in reality was mainly rehashes from previous reports.

I canceled my subscription. After the way the sugar-coated the Auburn story, fuck them. Bunch of SEC loving commies.
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BlufftonBuckeye;1931031; said:
This may be slightly OT, but I truly hope that the next coach, whether Luke or someone else, learns from this and is picky about the type of athletes they recruit, from a character standpoint.

I agree with this but I think the bigger lesson to be learned is if you are going to drive around with dead hookers in the trunk (and if you are the HC of a major program you are), DON'T get pulled over for a busted taillight. Give the keys to a grad assistant and tell him to go run the errand for you. That is what they are for.

The cynic in me says this all really comes back to sucking at cheating.
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bukIpower;1930991; said:
What's funny about all of this is I was one that was so nervous of Pryor going to Michigan and making our life hell. Now, I wish he would've. When the star player is driving around cars and trading things in for cash and tattoo's and not getting caught what do you think a player like Solomon Thomas or Boom Herron is thinking? LEAD BY EXAMPLE, can either be one of the best methods of leadership or in this case one of the absolute worst. Now we will all feel the consequences for the next 2-5 years.

The pressure fan bases put on coaches to win means they have to share part of the blame for the win at nearly any cost attitude these days. It's one thing for fans to say in hindsight that it would have been better off if Maurice Clarret, Pryor, Reggie Bush or OJ Mayo had never gone to school here. But when the coach says "These guys aren't <insert school name> material" and doesn't sign them and then goes 2-8 against UM or UCLA I think the fans will be talking about erecting gallows poles instead of "well at least we are doing it right".
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BlufftonBuckeye;1931031; said:
This may be slightly OT, but I truly hope that the next coach, whether Luke or someone else, learns from this and is picky about the type of athletes they recruit, from a character standpoint.
I'm not at all clear our problems relate to the "character" of our athletes. I think a knee-jerk reaction to recruit a different "type" of player could really backfire on us.

Let's face it: elite HS athletes commonly live a life in which they are treated like pampered superstars, and many if not most of them acquire some level of "entitlement" in their attitudes. That doesn't make them bad people; it must be hard to hear that kind of praise all the time without its going to your head. And make no mistake - we need elite athletes to remain a premier football program. Omelettes require broken eggs.
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BearBuck27;1931003; said:
I keep coming back to USC's case involving multiple sports vs. OSU's case only involving football.
So we think ... Where are the basketball players getting their tats? Where do the baseball players get their wheels? How do all the members of the womens' bball team have such perfectly straight teeth? And how could JI-Row afford so many cans of Red Bull? That stuff is crazy expensive!
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