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WR Terrelle Pryor ('10 Rose, '11 Sugar MVP)

TP made one mistake tonight. and you know who's probably going to be the most critical of it? TP himself.

He made alot of great plays tonight as well. Without him and the way that line played tonight we'd be lucky to score 6.

He'll get better and without a doubt lead this team to big things, and its only natural that he has to take a few lumps before he gets us there. But you know what? I can't wait to witness every single one of them because im a mother fucking buckeye.
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Magua;1306247; said:
TP made one mistake tonight. and you know who's probably going to be the most critical of it? TP himself.

He made alot of great plays tonight as well. Without him and the way that line played tonight we'd be lucky to score 6.

He'll get better and without a doubt lead this team to big things, and its only natural that he has to take a few lumps before he gets us there. But you know what? I can't wait to witness every single one of them because im a mother [censored]ing buckeye.

Absolutely right! Terrelle will be his own judge for the next few days & he will learn from it!
I think he is great,& would not give up on him at any price!:wink2:
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buckeyebri;1306248; said:
I would give him the Wisconsin win on that last drive....

The young man played a hell of a game tonight. I think that we, including TP himself, figured that there would be a growing pain or two. My count so far is one. He's done a great job and the thing that I love most about his play is that he's learing from his mistakes. I'd be suprised to see him make the same mistake again in his tOSU career.

Mr. TP is a keeper. He just needs to keep his head up and move on.

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sparcboxbuck;1306275; said:
The young man played a hell of a game tonight. I think that we, including TP himself, figured that there would be a growing pain or two. My count so far is one. He's done a great job and the thing that I love most about his play is that he's learing from his mistakes. I'd be suprised to see him make the same mistake again in his tOSU career.

Mr. TP is a keeper. He just needs to keep his head up and move on.


:io: Head up young man! There will be brighter days ahead!
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sparcboxbuck;1306275; said:
The young man played a hell of a game tonight. I think that we, including TP himself, figured that there would be a growing pain or two. My count so far is one. He's done a great job and the thing that I love most about his play is that he's learing from his mistakes. I'd be suprised to see him make the same mistake again in his tOSU career.

Mr. TP is a keeper. He just needs to keep his head up and move on.


GP[censored]A. Anyone who's even close to blaming him for this game should take a look at rushing totals. Ridiculous.
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sparcboxbuck;1306275; said:
The young man played a hell of a game tonight. I think that we, including TP himself, figured that there would be a growing pain or two. My count so far is one. He's done a great job and the thing that I love most about his play is that he's learing from his mistakes. I'd be suprised to see him make the same mistake again in his tOSU career.

Mr. TP is a keeper. He just needs to keep his head up and move on.

Agreed...I was referring to the fact that he lead us to the Wisconsin win as an example of what he has done for us already......
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I watched Buckeye Football Fever after the game. (No, don't ask me why) But TP didn't hide from the cameras after the game. Even though he was extremely disappointed, he took the media's questions. He could have taken a pass. Shows a lot of character.

We got a good one, and I can't wait to see what's next for him.
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Every time Mark May does an Ohio State highlight with Pryor and says "Big Stage" it feels like he's holding a grudge or holding a vendetta against Terrelle.

He says "Big Stage" with every Pryor highlight.
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CHU;1306448; said:
Every time Mark May does an Ohio State highlight with Pryor and says "Big Stage" it feels like he's holding a grudge or holding a vendetta against Terrelle.

He says "Big Stage" with every Pryor highlight.

Fuck Mark May. HATER! He's just mad because they only place he could go was Pitt. :roll2: Hey Mark, hows Bowling Green?! :lol:
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Magua;1306247; said:
TP made one mistake tonight. and you know who's probably going to be the most critical of it? TP himself.

He made alot of great plays tonight as well. Without him and the way that line played tonight we'd be lucky to score 6.

He'll get better and without a doubt lead this team to big things, and its only natural that he has to take a few lumps before he gets us there. But you know what? I can't wait to witness every single one of them because im a mother [censored]ing buckeye.

I thought he made several mistakes. Mostly in reading coverages and missing on open WRs. TEs were open more than couple of time. One could have been a TD. few throws were late to get there.
Several receivers were open. Still stares down WRs (getting much better at it).

I like him and not bashing him at all. But he's got quiet a way to go.
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He still had a pretty good game and I think he'll learn from his mistakes

I agree. How many of our great running backs have dropped the ball as freshmen and later had great careers. Just keep telling yourself "he is only a freshman". He has four weeks to work some of this stuff out before he can crush Michigan and all will be forgiven.
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