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WR Terrelle Pryor ('10 Rose, '11 Sugar MVP)

3074326;1298389; said:

Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1303637; said:
How good would Terrelle Pryor be with a beard?
LEGENDARY. He'd most likely end up with five Heismans, and if it gets beasty enough...a Rimington.
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October 22, 2008

Welcome to the big time, Terrelle

Tonight, quarterbacks coach Joe Daniels said he thought that last week's public discussion of whether Todd Boeckman should play helped spur Terrelle Pryor to go into coach Jim Tressel's office and issue his now-well known ultimatum: If I don't play well, bench me.
Daniels said he thought last week was a tough week for Pryor. Obviously, he and the offense did not play well against Purdue. But what Daniels really was referring to were the stories out of the Tuesday luncheon.
Prominent in many stories were Jake Ballard's comments, which were to the effect of, hey, nothing against Terrelle, he's very talented, but I think Todd could still help this team, and I don't think a two-quarterback system would be a bad idea.
Daniels said that affected Pryor.
"You're 19 years old and you're reading all this stuff -- which he shouldn?t do anyway, you shouldn't read the papers, I told him that -- and you guys don?t think the students on campus don?t read the paper?" Daniels said. "So what are they doing? They're generating the same, so now you're 19 years old and you've got to listen to all this on TV, in the newspaper, around campus.....come on, I think (going into Tressel's office) was a thing for him that was a little bit out of frustration, too."
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No discussion about Pryor on the eve of a very very big game?

I just want to see Pryor put up a MSU-type performance, although he probably will have to put up more passing yards to the tune of 170yds. All he has to do is be natural and not force anyhting although it will be tough in such a big matchup.

I think the key is Beanie getting his yards and getting the pressure off of Pryor.
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If Pryor goes for 50+ yards, and 150 through the air we win. What I'll be looking for early in this game is how he's running the ball.

Last week the announcers said he was much more decisive and downhill with MSU, and I couldn't agree more. If Pryor starts going toward the sideline and kind of braces for the hit thats when you know Pryor may play a bit timid. However, if he comes out and keeps a fake and runs downhill for 20 yards he's gonna have a wail of a game.
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Ohio State football
Pryor excels when he's pushed

Saturday, October 25, 2008 3:35 AM
By Ken Gordon


Terrelle Pryor appeared to be nearing a meltdown, and that scared Roy Hall.
Pryor, the nation's top-rated prospect, was quarterbacking Jeannette (Pa.) High School last fall when he got tired of taking what he thought were cheap shots. He got up from a pile and shoved an opposing player. The player shoved back. Both were warned by the officials.
"In Pennsylvania, if you get thrown out of a game, you have to miss the next game, too, and that happened to be the state semifinals," said Hall, Jeanette's quarterbacks coach.
So Hall called Pryor over.
"I said, 'You're going to have to take those (shots), you can't be reacting like that,' " Hall said. "And he looked at me, all calm and cool, and said, 'Coach Hall, you don't think I've been taking stuff all year?' And he was 100 percent right."
That's Pryor -- competitive and hyperconfident, but also someone who thrives on challenges.

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Recruiting watch: Pryor gives OSU instant credibility

Saturday, October 25, 2008 3:07 AM
By Ken Gordon


The Jeannette High School football booster club had a fundraiser one Saturday afternoon a few weeks ago, but it kept getting interrupted by rousing cheers.
Ohio State was playing Minnesota, and the good people of Jeannette were sneaking into a back room to watch their pride and joy -- Terrelle Pryor -- quarterback the Buckeyes.
"I've never seen so many Pennsylvania people cheering for an Ohio team," said Roy Hall, a Jeannette assistant coach. "Everything just stopped."
The effect Pryor has had on the hearts and minds of Pennsylvanians goes beyond the city limits of Jeannette, though.
The fact that Pryor, the nation's top-rated recruit last year, is a Buckeye has made Columbus a viable destination for other Pennsylvania products.
It's not a coincidence that three of the state's top 10 prospects for 2009, as rated by Rivals.com, have committed to Ohio State: Dorian Bell and Corey Brown from powerhouse Monroeville Gateway, and Jordan Hall of Jeannette, Roy's nephew.

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Ayeah, I'm sure glad we have him, and he will be a great player some day - but damn! When will the guy learn to put his head down and go north-south?
Why haven't the coaches corrected this by now?
It finally cost us a game.

Oh well, he's going to singlehandedly win us some games too some day.
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