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WR Terrelle Pryor ('10 Rose, '11 Sugar MVP)

Terrelle is not as explosive as Vick, or as strong as Young, despite being strong in both areas. I'm not sure he'll ever be quite on their level athletically. Yet from what he's shown, he has the potential to be an even better quarterback, with plenty of athleticism in his own right.
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jwinslow;1303345; said:
Terrelle is not as explosive as Vick, or as strong as Young, despite being strong in both areas. I'm not sure he'll ever be quite on their level athletically. Yet from what he's shown, he has the potential to be an even better quarterback, with plenty of athleticism in his own right.

Not sure what you mean by that. It's good to temper our optimism at this early stage but to say that Terrelle is not as strong as Young is like saying Beanie is not as strong as Clarett.
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Tresselbeliever;1303358; said:
but to say that Terrelle is not as strong as Young is like saying Beanie is not as strong as Clarett.
Hows the kool-aid taste? Holy crap.

This thread has gotten very delusional.

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Tresselbeliever;1303358; said:
Not sure what you mean by that.
Both are a load to bring down, but Vince ran through defenders a bit stronger than Terrelle. Defenders glanced off his hips with regularity.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxQs43PnJi0"]YouTube - Vince Young run vs. OU[/ame]
It's good to temper our optimism at this early stage but to say that Terrelle is not as strong as Young is like saying Beanie is not as strong as Clarett.
I like that example, because it doesn't degrade Beanie at all... also keeping in mind what age we saw Clarett play when making that comaprison.
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jwinslow;1303368; said:
Both are a load to bring down, but Vince ran through defenders a bit stronger than Terrelle. Defenders glanced off his hips with regularity.

YouTube - Vince Young run vs. OUI like that example, because it doesn't degrade Beanie at all... also keeping in mind what age we saw Clarett play when making that comaprison.

Good point but also keep in mind what age we are seeing Terrelle vs. Vince. You are probably remembering the Jr. version of Vince but not the true freshman Vince.
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I can agree with Pryor not being quite as fast as Vick, but I'm so sure that he's not as strong physically as Young was. If Young was indeed stronger than Pryor, the difference is essentially negligible...and just think what two more years in our S&C program is going to do for Pryor.
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RugbyBuck;1303362; said:
but he's smarter than either and will be a better QB than both.
:lol: I would hope so!




Figure 1a. Young's Wonderlic Test
Figure 2a. Vick's Best Friend

Seriously, as was said before the season.. let TP be TP.

Wisky: Whoo!!! He's the savior! TP for LIFE!!
Purdont: Umm, Boeckman?
MSU: YEAH! He's Young & Vick combined!! Whoo!!
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MililaniBuckeye;1303375; said:
I can agree with Pryor not being quite as fast as Vick, but I'm so sure that he's not as strong physically as Young was. If Young was indeed stronger than Pryor, the difference is essentially negligible...and just think what two more years in our S&C program is going to do for Pryor.

haha thanks for backing me up here. I guess I'm not the only one drinking the kool aid.
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I wouldn't say he isn't as strong of a runner as Young but I don't think TP finishes some of his runs like Young did. He occasionally slows down to take a hit or steps out where as Young probably wouldn't be. This isn't a knock on TP he is a true freshman and you don't want your starting QB taking big hits either. He will learn when to finish runs and when to protect himself with experience.
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Tresselbeliever;1303366; said:
come again?

[?] How. Does. The. Kool. Aid. Taste. [/?]

TP isn't there yet. Young would have tacklers drapped all over him and still throwing the ball with zip & accuracy.

TP will get there. He is a true freshman, and I agree he's way a head of a VY, TS, or MV for where he is.. but he isn't there yet. Give the kid time, let TP grow into TP.. enjoy the ride.
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MililaniBuckeye;1303375; said:
I can agree with Pryor not being quite as fast as Vick, but I'm so sure that he's not as strong physically as Young was. If Young was indeed stronger than Pryor, the difference is essentially negligible...and just think what two more years in our S&C program is going to do for Pryor.
Definitely possible, he is only a few months into it. That youtube clip was from 03, so Terrelle has a year to reach that level or else!
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