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WR Terrelle Pryor ('10 Rose, '11 Sugar MVP)

OregonBuckeye;1302700; said:
TP is a great runner but I wouldn't put him on Vick or Young's level. Those two could juke just about anyone out of their shoes. Right now, Pryor either runs over you or runs by you.

Vick against an excellent FSU defense.


Young(Warning *language*)

YouTube - Vince Young Highlights

I did qualify it by saying I'm drunk, but you know it's true. TP isn't as quick as Vick, but he doesn't play in the Big East. TP = Vy as a junior. And that's sick.TP can make some passes, and he's got a great option look, and he could run it on every down. I'll take it.
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OSU Insider: TV reveals Pryor's growing comfort

by Doug Lesmerises Wednesday October 22, 2008, 10:29 PM

COLUMBUS -- Terrelle Pryor wanted to know how he did.
After the Ohio State freshman quarterback finished an interview Tuesday, when he sat with senior teammates Malcolm Jenkins and James Laurinaitis and took questions from Kirk Herbstreit as part of the buildup for ABC's primetime broadcast of Saturday's Ohio State-Penn State game, Pryor asked an OSU spokesman if he handled the interview well. He was reassured that he did.
As he grows on the field, Pryor's also figuring out everything else that comes with being a quarterback at Ohio State. Last week, that included facing some of the first real questions about his abilities behind center. The tale that will certainly become part of his legend if he reaches his potential -- telling coach Jim Tressel on Friday to pull him against Michigan State if he didn't move the ball -- stemmed from becoming aware of those questions and growing frustrated by them.

"Last week I think was a tough week for Terrelle," OSU quarterbacks coach Joe Daniels said Wednesday. "I think there was a lot of things floating around, both in and out of print. I think it was a tough week for him and I think he grew up a lot.
"It was the stuff that was in the media -- should Todd [Boeckman] play, shouldn't Todd play, the stuff with that. You think it doesn't affect a kid, but it does because it affects the other people around him. It affects the students, it affects the average fan.

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Quick learner Pryor making his rough edges disappear in leading Bucks, says Bill Livingston

by Bill Livingston Wednesday October 22, 2008, 8:21 PM

COLUMBUS -- If Terrelle Pryor had gone to Michigan, which was the runner-up when he was the nation's most highly sought recruit, he would have had the controls of new coach Rich Rodriguez's spread offense in his hands immediately.
But he would have had little support and would have been expected to spin gold from straw.
If he had gone to third-place finisher Penn State, Saturday night's opponent in a huge showdown game at the Horseshoe, he might not have had the starting quarterback position at all, given junior quarterback Daryll Clark's startling development.
Pryor, however, chose Ohio State -- and found upheaval in personnel after the Southern Cal loss, Beanie Wells lamed by a foot injury for three games, and with critics nationwide watching him and motivating him with their open doubts.
He is only 19, but he has changed the athletic possibilities of the Buckeyes' season. He is the new face of football in Columbus. He has made himself that by being diplomatic with teammates, composed in the huddle, and eloquent with his body language.
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generaladm;1302587; said:
You don't see the top gear that often, I think because he has a great awareness of exactly what he has to do to beat his man. He can get the corner almost anytime he wants. I have noticed that he puts on the afterburners when he gets near the goal line. His first career TD vs. YSU, and the winner vs. Wisky, he smelled the endzone, and took off. His speed is deceptive. His stride is so natural and efficient. Reminds me a bit of Ginn. TP's not as fast, but defenders underestimate the angle the same way. I'm rewatching the MSU game for the 5-6th time, and it just gets better every time. Pryor was a monumental pick up for OSU, but it may have been an even bigger gain for TP. The second he learns how to set his feet on passes, he will be the best QB in CFB.

I would have to disagree with you on that. When Ginn came to Ohio State he ran a 4.45 40. TP runs a 4.3. That seems a bit faster. TP has 5 inches on Ginn and is a Freshmen. Wait till next year.
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OregonBuckeye;1302700; said:
TP is a great runner but I wouldn't put him on Vick or Young's level. Those two could juke just about anyone out of their shoes. Right now, Pryor either runs over you or runs by you.

Vick against an excellent FSU defense.


Young(Warning *language*)

YouTube - Vince Young Highlights

I agree with Vick. But he was much smaller (6 foot right?) and had could turn on a dime. As a runner I think Pryor will get to where Young was eventually. He's just as big and fast and I think he can be as powerful.

Vick was smaller and less powerful, but more agile and perhaps faster (although I'm not sure).
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QB that got away now stands in the way of Lions

QB that got away now stands in the way of Lions
Thursday, October 23, 2008
By Ron Musselman, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. -- A lifetime of experience separates the skills of the formidable old coach from the exceptional talents of the young kid, but Joe Paterno and Terrelle Pryor both want the same prize Saturday night: a victory that could carry their team closer to a Big Ten Conference championship.

Seven months ago, Pryor, the Jeannette High School star, told Penn State that he was spurning its football scholarship offer.

State College, Pryor told reporters, was just too "country."

"I just don't like that place," he said.

Instead, Pryor, the most sought-after high school recruit in the country, chose Ohio State. Instead of playing for Paterno, who sometimes has been reluctant to start freshmen athletes, Pryor, 19, is calling the plays for another national football powerhouse.

The stakes Saturday night in Columbus might be familiar to Paterno, but they're new to Pryor.

"He's fired up," said Jeannette assistant coach Roy Hall, who talked to Pryor Monday. "He can't wait to get going."

Cont'd ...
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bucksarenuts;1302796; said:
I would have to disagree with you on that. When Ginn came to Ohio State he ran a 4.45 40. TP runs a 4.3. That seems a bit faster. TP has 5 inches on Ginn and is a Freshmen. Wait till next year.

Are you seriously stating that you think TP is faster than Ginn?
Based on some arbitrary 40 yd dash times?

Regardless of 40 times - what matters is speed on the field, with full equipment on.
Ginn was as fast on the football field as anyone I've seen since Darrell (sp?) Greene of the Redskins.

I agree with Generaladm that TP doesn't hit the afterburners real often.
He looked plenty fast against "elite" speed of USCum, though. And looked dominantly fast against Big 10 opponents, except Purdon't, where he was indecisive.

Look for about 3 HUGE (40, 50, 60 yarders) runs against scUM.
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You can't seriously compare TP and Vick, if you take all factors into account. Vick didn't have enough brains to blow his nose. TP is smart enough that Tressel has handed him the reins to a veteran team. Please, do you really think Vick could be running our offense as a freshman? By the same token, TP won't score a 9 on the Wunderlic like Vince.
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bucksarenuts;1302796; said:
I would have to disagree with you on that. When Ginn came to Ohio State he ran a 4.45 40. TP runs a 4.3. That seems a bit faster. TP has 5 inches on Ginn and is a Freshmen. Wait till next year.

If you think that Pryor is actually even close in speed to Ted Ginn, you are either a total retard or on industrial-grade crack...
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RugbyBuck;1303312; said:
You can't seriously compare TP and Vick, if you take all factors into account. Vick didn't have enough brains to blow his nose. TP is smart enough that Tressel has handed him the reins to a veteran team. Please, do you really think Vick could be running our offense as a freshman? By the same token, TP won't score a 9 on the Wunderlic like Vince.

Agreed. TP just needs to keep his wits about him and make the right reads. If he does, all will be good for the scarlet and gray. No MMIH plays. Just take what the Penn St. defense gives you. IF/WHEN things break down, let his athleticism take over and go forward, not laterally. Either take it up field, or throw it away. Let's not give Penn St. a short field to work with because of a turnover.

:osu: GO BUCKS!!
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You can't seriously compare TP and Vick, if you take all factors into account. Vick didn't have enough brains to blow his nose. TP is smart enough that Tressel has handed him the reins to a veteran team. Please, do you really think Vick could be running our offense as a freshman? By the same token, TP won't score a 9 on the Wunderlic like Vince.
vick as a rs frosh led his team to the title game. set a frosh record and led the ncaa in passing efficiency (3rd all time). he won the archie griffin award as ncaa mvp. he went to ny for the heisman (3rd place). BE roy, opy in 99 also.
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