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WR Terrelle Pryor ('10 Rose, '11 Sugar MVP)

While I don't think TP is far off VY's strength level, when I think of VY, I think of him standing there, and A.J. giving all he had to bring him down. A.J. was an animal, and he had all he could handle. I don't think Terrelle is quite there yet.
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BUCKYLE;1303386; said:
While I don't think TP is far off VY's strength level, when I think of VY, I think of him standing there, and A.J. giving all he had to bring him down. A.J. was an animal, and he had all he could handle. I don't think Terrelle is quite there yet.

True. But also remember that it took all 265 pounds of Will Smith to bring down Joshua Cribbs. So by the transitive property Cribbs is stronger than Vince Young?

Just trying to have a discussion here. Don't try to make it out like just because some of us are questioning something about what a poster said means that we think Terrelle is god. Kool aid references are not conducive to this discussion.
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Tresselbeliever;1303394; said:
True. But also remember that it took all 265 pounds of Will Smith to bring down Joshua Cribbs. So by the transitive property Cribbs is stronger than Vince Young?

Just trying to have a discussion here. Don't try to make it out like just because some of us are questioning something about what a poster said means that we think Terrelle is god. Kool aid references are not conducive to this discussion.

I don't even like kool-aid.

I just think VY was stronger his junior year than TP is this year. :biggrin:
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Tresselbeliever;1303394; said:
True. But also remember that it took all 265 pounds of Will Smith to bring down Joshua Cribbs. So by the transitive property Cribbs is stronger than Vince Young?

Just trying to have a discussion here. Don't try to make it out like just because some of us are questioning something about what a poster said means that we think Terrelle is god. Kool aid references are not conducive to this discussion.
VY, several times in his career, had players drapped all over him and made accurate passes with zip on them.

TP has some work to do - but he's on the right track.

This discussion, IMHO, is stupid. Let TP be TP.
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Dryden;1303430; said:
A week ago Terrelle was supposed to be benched, or at the very least, splitting reps with Boeckman.

Now he's faster than Ginn, stronger than Young, and more elusive than Vick.


Almost no one is arguing the Vick or Ginn points and the strength comparison is arguable although of course he's not going to be as strong as Young as a junior.

I think the maor problem is that some are trying to compare Pryor to Young as a junior when Pryor never redshirted or was even at OSU for spring practice. THat's why so many people are impressed. Young had an entire year to get stronger and develop while PRyor basically came in and 2-3 months later he was asked to start. I don't think that disparity can be stressed enough.
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OregonBuckeye;1302700; said:
TP is a great runner but I wouldn't put him on Vick or Young's level. Those two could juke just about anyone out of their shoes. Right now, Pryor either runs over you or runs by you.

Vick against an excellent FSU defense.


Young(Warning *language*)

YouTube - Vince Young Highlights
The way I see it is that Terrelle Pryor is the Midwest version of these kinds of QBs. Vick and Young will never have the kind of stiffarm that TP has at this stage in his young career. They will never be as "into the game" as TP is (Running downfield to block for Beanie, for instance). TP has his own game.
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Pryor is no ordinary freshman

By Eric Thomas, Assistant Sports Editor, October 23, 2008
Last updated: Thursday, October 23, 2008 6:08 PM EDT
Ohio State freshman quarterback Terrelle Pryor has become the focal point of the Buckeyes offense in recent weeks.

At some point during a given season, the freshman becomes the senior.

The potential is becoming reality, the jitters of a first year are gone.

Ohio State came into the 2008 season a team built on stability, a foundation that?s been carved out the last two years. Some players, like Troy Smith, or Ted Ginn Jr., have moved on, but instead of rebuilding the Buckeyes decided to reload and take a more aggressive aim.

So when freshman sensation Terrelle Pryor took the reigns of the Buckeyes football team, seemingly for good after a 35-3 loss to USC, a few were surprised that Jim Tressel would hand the keys over to a true freshman and tell him to direct a team gunning for its third straight outright Big Ten title.

The few that were surprised do not reside on the Buckeyes bench.

?He?s definitely a care-free type of guy that?s just going to go out there and do what he can do ? play his game with no added pressure,? Buckeyes tailback Beanie Wells said.

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OSUbuckeye09;1303626; said:
And what alot of people dont know is tp's highschool didnt even have a weight room... So just wait till his sophmore year when he gets a full year of the strentgh and conditioning program. :oh::io:

What kind of high school doesn't have a weight room? I had a weight room in Junior High. I find that hard to believe, but if it's true, I'm shocked!

EDIT: This is true, I'm still in disbelief. http://www.sportingnews.com/yourturn/viewtopic.php?t=236551
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