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WR Terrelle Pryor ('10 Rose, '11 Sugar MVP)

I like the fact he took accountabilty for the loss after the game..when in fact his fumble was not returned for a TD. Instead a backup QB led PSU to a game winning drive. My discomfort with this team is they like to be in the media when things go well or before the season..then when a loss hits many of them won't own up to the loss..leaving JT and a few others to take the heat!
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strohs;1306515; said:
JT needs to open up the playbook and let this kid play.
No more strings, just let him play.

I agree whole heartedly. This could be a blessing in disguise for the long term continued success of the program and the development of Terrelle. That is if the offensive play calling gets somewhat unpredictable. You have to let these kids have fun and play the game.
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strohs;1306515; said:
JT needs to open up the playbook and let this kid play.
No more strings, just let him play.

With an extra week and no title pressure on the line I hope JT does exactly that - take the wraps off and turn him loose, for better or worse. Long term, I think we'll be better for it. I'm just glad this kid is a Buckeye. :)
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Buckin' A;1306542; said:
I know JT doesn't want to put TP in bad situations early in his career. However, I can't see how putting him in constant 3rd and 8 (due to predictable play calling IMHO) is helping his confidence.

I said it last night. You don't let the kid throw on first or second down (often enough to keep the D off you) and then you let him throw in long situations when everyone in the stadium knows he's throwing. It doesn't make sense to me.
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JT needs to open up the playbook and let this kid play.

In defense to JT, TP still needs work on being a passer. The Buckeye receivers made great plays on passes that were under thrown. TP also has not seen open receivers. Until he can read defenses better, I don't think JT will open up the playbook. Its not a knock on TP, he is just young and learning how to be a passing quarterback. Give him some time.
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Buckeyefrankmp;1306581; said:
In defense to JT, TP still needs work on being a passer. The Buckeye receivers made great plays on passes that were under thrown. TP also has not seen open receivers. Until he can read defenses better, I don't think JT will open up the playbook. Its not a knock on TP, he is just young and learning how to be a passing quarterback. Give him some time.

Totally agree here - TP is definitely a super talented QB but his passing needs work for it to be truly lethal. Not sure if it is getting through the reads or his delivery but most of his passes are late getting to the open guys and underthrown - which creates jump ball situations. He should just make the reads and fire it, which will come as he gets more experience.
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I am proud of Terrelle! He played one hellava game. His error was an inexperienced QB. Hell, he's a freshman. To play as well as he's done is great. You did as well as you could, you gave your all and left it out on the field. Terrelle, you played well........
This young man is going to be something special.

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Terrelle Pryor's performance and attitude yesterday makes me damn proud of him and glad he is a Buckeye. After the way he finished off the Wisconsin game I felt that he was IN, that he had secured his place in the list of Buckeye unforgettables... Last night I knew it for sure.

Last night was probably one of the biggest learning experiences of his football career and he (and the program) will be all the better off for these learned lessons.

Those few who are whining, recognize that you are privileged to witness the birth of a Buckeye legend!
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He reminds me of a combination of Vince Young and Mike Vick :tongue2:

In all seriousness, glad to see this thread in the state that it's in.. I echo most other posters in saying he's a freshman, and I expected to lose a game due to that fact.

IMO, he needs to be running more.. he had what, 6 yards rushing? He's getting better and better and will be fun to watch in the future.

The last pick shows why he needs to work on his throwing motion, it's hard to 'push' a deep ball - things are looking up though.
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I must be honest, I continue to feel sick at the pit of my stomach after last night.

I am amazed at some of things Buckeye fans have said about Terrelle Pryor today. I can only imagine what's going on over at Bucknuts.

Buckeye fans held their breaths until he signed his LOI. They screamed with glee when they saw him in uniform the first time. They pleaded to put him in when Boeckman couldn't move the offense.

And now they crap all over him because he plays like exactly what he is: one of the most talented frosh QBs we ever had.

I hope that Terrelle Pryor learned an important lesson last night about trying to make those highlight reel moments. This is not "just like high school". He can't win games alone. But let's also remember, he can't lose games alone either.

I for one am very happy that Terrelle Pryor is our QB. I'm looking forward to watching him mature in a Buckeye uniform.
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