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WR Ted Ginn, Jr. (Official Thread)

exhawg said:
The only problem that we have at WR is that we don't have anyone (with experience) that is big and physical that can jump up and fight for balls like MJ used to. Right now our top 3 WR's are smaller and quick so they would be better off running routes with a lot of movement to create space.
Roy Hall, Jr. He may not be as experienced as we'd like, but he does have adequate experience...and he is big and strong. Rumors abound that he may be moving positions this year, but I think they are just rumors. I can see Hall lining up at RB and then going in motion to set up a 4 or 5 wide, though. With him coming across the middle, and Ginn, Gonzo, and Holmes flying all over the field, SOMEBODY will damn well be open. I just pray to all the football gods that our O-line can sack up this year and be dominant. To me, this is the crux of our offense. If our O-line is dominant, our offense will be - hands down - unstoppable.
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Ginn's Best Plays

I'm compiling a highlight reel of these plays, but figured this was a decent enough topic that it could qualify for the buckeye forum (where it will be more visible). Lemme know if I that was an erroneous decision, mods.

I will edit this as we go. Basically, I'm looking for you to remind me of other big or at least exciting plays not on this list. Plays like him slicing thru the michigan D but getting tackled before going all the way works... b/c it shows his talent.

Ginn's best plays:

Wisconsin - PR TD: maybe his best PR: runs right through 6 defenders
Indiana - WR TD: his best play, breaks a billion tackles
Penn St - PR TD: nothing but sheer speed here
Penn St - reverse: flag for holding defender he already beat
Michigan St - WR TD: destroys trackstar DB in footrace
Michigan St - PR TD: pooch punts just don't work with Teddy
Michigan St - RB TD: reverse highlights his speed
Michigan - PR close: nearly breaks it, one of my favorite plays
Michigan - PR TD: not his best, but his biggest
Ok State - WR: juketastic, reversing field spectacular play
Ok State - QB TD: simple "I'm better than you" TD

Other good ones:

Michigan - in highlight video, catches pass along close sideline and cuts thru 2 defenders (shows elusiveness & speed)
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Now that I got the full Michigan game I noticed a bunch of things I hadn't seen before.

They had Braylon Edwards and Shazor as gunners lined up against Ginn every time he went to return a punt. On his 82 yard PR TD Braylon COMPLETELY misses the tackle on Ginn. Ginn like, defies gravity to sidestep out of the way, and then cuts in the opposite direction and burns everyone.
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Heck since we got em listed let's vote on the best or most impressive.

Mine has to be the PR vs scUM that almost was. Avoiding that first tackle was one of the most quick and impressive things I have ever seen on the football field....If he had got by hood with that last spin move, that return would have been forever talked about in College Football lore.

R0CK3TM4NN said:
On his 82 yard PR TD Braylon COMPLETELY misses the tackle on Ginn.
Just another brilliant move by Lloyd....Let's put people on punt coverage against one of the most dangerous returners in the league that have not done it very much. Not to mention, offensive players that don't do alot of tackling as it is. He is an idiot.
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You're probably only considering tOSU plays, but he had a TD return at the Army AA game, where he showed his speed and his only problem was bobbling the ball in the open field.
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one of my fav's was him absorbing the gunner that came free on holmes punt return td against nw. guy had holmes dead to rights. ginn steps up, nothing but open field for holmes. though probably not highlight material :p.

everytime he touched the ball against okie state minus 1 reception?
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I loved his catch against Indiana for a TD. Not only was it his first collegiate TD, but I love the way he caught the ball basically stationary and still was able to accelerate ahead of guys with a running start, weave through the D, and go almost untouched into the endzone. Great play.
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Ginn only 5th best returner?!

Fucking morons at CFN say so with this beauty of an "article". Of the four returners they have above Ginn, three of them return punts (Ashlan Davis of Tulsa is listed only as a kickoff returner). Here are the stats for those three from last year:

Devin Hester (Miami): 19 for 326 yards (17.16 per return), 3 TDs, ranked 6th
Kevin Robinson (Utah State): 17 for 382 yards (22.47 per return), 2 TDs, ranked 2nd
Reggie Bush (USC): 24 for 376 yards (15.67 per return), 2 TDs, ranked 9th

Only Robinson is close to Ginn in return average (Ginn is 25.60, over 3 yards per return better). Hester is over 8 yards per return worse with fewer TDs, and Bush was almost 10 yards worse with only half the TDs. Yet, all these yayhoos are better returners than Ginn. Get the fuck outta here...
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I really liked the Reverse play, and the Slant pass that he took to the house against Michigan State.

They were impressive at first, but when you watch them up close, it's amazing when you watch him juke right after he catches the slant. He then does the same thing on the reverse when he gets into traffic, just sidesteps at fullspeed and pretty much just walks in.
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I did see this earlier today. I usually like their stuff, but it's hard to believe that Ginn's not in the top 3, and I sure wouldn't want anybody else as a returner.
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You're not telling the whole story. This is what the headline is[font=verdana, arial, sans serif][size=-1]: CFN's All-America Team[/size][/font]
<table id="table4" border="0" cellspacing="0" width="640"> <tbody><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" width="57">

</td> <td bgcolor="#333300" width="575"> <!--(C) --> <!-- Ad Format: Pop Under --> <!-- Domain(s): collegefootballnews.com --> <script language="Javascript"><!-- var d=new Date();var r=(d.getTime()%8673806982)+Math.random();var u=escape(window.location.href); var host=' language=\"Javascript\" src="http://as.casalemedia.com/s?s='; document.write('<scr'+'ipt'+host+'53280&u='+u+'&f=1&id='+r+'"></scr'+'ipt>'); //--></script><script language=\"Javascript\" src="http://as.casalemedia.com/s?s=53280&u=http%3A//collegefootballnews.com/2005/Preview/AA_KickReturners.htm&f=1&id=3583395790.8991113"></script> <!--(C) -->
[font=helvetica,arial] [/font]Preview 2005 - Kick Returners
CFN's All-America Team
</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <hr>
Ginn took a couple KR's last year, and then was demoted. I think this was b/c we had solid, experienced guys to handle it last year... but our homerism should not lead to saying their stupid for not hailing Ginn as one of the best KR's without a good one ever in college.

edit: I notice that on the front page it says AA Returners... but says Kick Returners on the article headline. That leaves me with two opinions:
1) they meant AA KR's, which Ginn has no right to be top-3, tho he may prove to be better than any of them
2) they meant returners, and while Ginn's the best PR, 3 out of the 4 ahead of Ginn are excellent at both types of returns which Ginn cannot claim, yet.
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