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WR Ted Ginn, Jr. (Official Thread)

jwins: OK, then why is Ashlan Davis, who is strictly a kickoff returner, rated ahead of Ginn? Now, he did have some very impressive stats (37 returns for 1131 yards for a 30.57 yard average and 5 TDs), but:

1.) The average kickoff return is always considerably more than your average punt return.

2.) He does have one more TD than Ginn, but on 22 more returns.

3.) He wasn't even the top kickoff returner last year (he was #3, and #1 and #2 will both be back this year).

4.) He frickin' plays at Tulsa. You think the quality of special teams he faces is the same Ginn faces?
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I should have elaborated on the 3 out of 4 comment. My opinion is that for returners, the tulsa kid doesn't belong ahead of Ginn. Since Ginn wasn't good enough to take KR's last year (which isn't the case probably but is how it appears), the other 3 belong ahead of him.

I think Bush belongs ahead of Ginn, and maybe no one else. I'm just defending the article, b/c I don't think it was off.

Now if this were a PR returners article, they should be shot.
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Kick returning is apparently like art. The best is subjective! I like our guy! And maybe he'll be around longer than the other guys!

Also the teams on our schedule will have a lot of sleepless nights before they play us!
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Santonio Holmes is no slouch as a KR/PR either. I guess you can only have one on that list per team...

No one could TOUCH Ginn last year. Tops in the NCAA in returning yards per kick, most PR TD's. I believe Hester had more special teams TD's overall, but to say he's a better returner based on Ginn NOT returning and kickoffs is rediculous. The fact that Ginn isn't at worst 3rd on that list is a joke. I know that NO KICKER wants to see Ginn on the other end of their kick/punt. I guess they just want to make the people in utah and at tulsa feel special.
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BuckTwenty said:
No one could TOUCH Ginn last year. Tops in the NCAA in returning yards per kick, most PR TD's.
To be accurate, Teddy's 4th tied a single season record for 4 punt return TD's, but it was broken by Chad Owens of Hawaii, who got his 5th later last year.
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This is a total joke. Mount Union plays against better talent than the guys from Utah St. and Tulsa, and Reggie Bush (while I agree he's a good all-around player) making the list is another example of the media's infatuation with the USC program. I'd take Ginn any day of the week over all those guys on the list.
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BB73 said:
To be accurate, Teddy's 4th tied a single season record for 4 punt return TD's, but it was broken by Chad Owens of Hawaii, who got his 5th later last year.
yep, him i could see ahead of ginn if he was returning. he was really good. i expect bush to be ranked #1 in just about any skills position period. the media really has a hardon for him, not that it isn't mostly deserved mind you. but if you tie a single season punt return record in half a season and don't make the top 5... A. the people infront of you had either tied the mark as well or broke it or B. the author is a moron. its pretty simple really.
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Teams are going to have to make a choice. Kick to either Ginn, Holms, or OOB. IMO none of these choices are very good. If you kick it to Ginn your going to get burned at least once in the game. If you kick to Holms your screwed as well. If you kick it OOB you'll be giving the buckeyes great field position all game. The Buckeyes cannot lose on the return squads this year. Add the fact that Ginn will be doing Kickoffs it just adds to other teams concerns. BTW I think Ginn is better at KO returns...scary

I can see coaches trying to get creative with pooch punts and rugby kicks...ask Michigan state how that worked out. I think teams are going to have to bite the bullet and kick to him. It will cost them just as much or more doing the other 2 options. Add the fact when you change things in the kicking game for a certain player it can cause misques i.e bad snaps, blocks, shanks.

I think Ginn will break a few NCAA record this year. 4 more punt returns for a TD and he ties the career mark. On kickoff returns hes going to really hurt team. In the AAA game he should have taken two to the house. He will be 1st team AA and his ST play will keep him in the Heisman race and might get him to NY.

I prefer Ginn being overlooked because when he does break record this year it will only help his hype/rep. Thats how Heismans are won. Actually they are helping him by having him rated but not #1. Nobody really knows what he can do with a full season they can only speculate like I have. I'll bet a considerable amount of money my boy Ginn is gonna make people jaws drop.
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MililaniBuckeye said:
Only Robinson is close to Ginn in return average (Ginn is 25.60, over 3 yards per return better). Hester is over 8 yards per return worse with fewer TDs, and Bush was almost 10 yards worse with only half the TDs. Yet, all these yayhoos are better returners than Ginn. Get the fuck outta here...
I've never seen the kid from Tulsa, so I can't really comment on him being on this list. As far as Bush and Hester are concerned. I think that you could have those two, with Ginn placed anywhere in the top three, and I would think that it's a good list. They are all incredible athletes. As for the return average stats. How much is a block from Santonio Holmes worth, when you're as fast as Ginn, Bush, and Hester are? Probably about 8-10 yards. Ginn is an incredible punt returner, but wasn't even the guy that won the job on his own team last year. Until Tressel decided to go with dual returners. Crazy as it may sound. He may only be the second best on his own team.
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IronBuckI said:
I've never seen the kid from Tulsa, so I can't really comment on him being on this list. As far as Bush and Hester are concerned. I think that you could have those two, with Ginn placed anywhere in the top three, and I would think that it's a good list. They are all incredible athletes. As for the return average stats. How much is a block from Santonio Holmes worth, when you're as fast as Ginn, Bush, and Hester are? Probably about 8-10 yards. Ginn is an incredible punt returner, but wasn't even the guy that won the job on his own team last year. Until Tressel decided to go with dual returners. Crazy as it may sound. He may only be the second best on his own team.
Who was Ginn supposed to replace? Hall - the career KO Return leader or Holmes, the same Holmes who will be on the other side of Ginn this year?
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We're not arguing that Ginn isn't our best KR potentially... but he doesn't deserve to be mentioned among other great KR/PR hybrids until he actually returns a KR well. He no doubt will, but I think #5 on this list is quite fair.
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jwinslow said:
We're not arguing that Ginn isn't our best KR potentially... but he doesn't deserve to be mentioned among other great KR/PR hybrids until he actually returns a KR well. He no doubt will, but I think #5 on this list is quite fair.
Gosh, thanks Jwin. I couldn't keep up. :shake:

First, how is CFN ranking this years top returnmen not a discussion of potential???? He damn well does deserve a top 3. You go by what you've got historically, and Ginn was the top (or very near) PR in the nation last year, and if Hall and Holmes werent as good as they are, he would have returned kicks too. Now, do you understand what Im saying?
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Ok but you're kind of defeating your own argument. You're touting Hall and Holmes as great choices last year (which I agree with), but neither would be top-5 nationally. So if he sits behind those two last year, two guys that aren't the same caliber of gamebreakers as Bush, Hester, Breaston, Ginn, etc... shouldn't that hurt his hype as a KR?

Maybe not, I guess that's just how I see it.

He should be one of the best KRs out there this year, tho if it were me I'd feel safer putting Hester or Bush out there due to their size...
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Jwin, You don't seem to follow me. Ginn could have been a KR last season, but there was no point in it. Hall was a senior and Holmes had a year of on the field Exp. (and a RS season) under his belt. You don't want your returnman fumbling, and thus - or so it seems to me - JT keeps Freshman out of there. If there was no other option, Ginn would have been back there, though.

That Hall and Holmes weren't top 5 last year means nothing. The quesiton is, should Hall and Ginn been top 5, or Hall and Holmes? Ginn was not used because he wasn't needed there, not because he couldn't beat out Hall or Holmes. Ginn was needed at PR ONLY AFTER they decided to go with 2 PR men. And only THEN did we get to see what he could do. It became clear, of course, that Ginn is a threat on every kick. But they did not just throw him out there. So, again, suppose it was Holmes and Ginn returing kicks last yaer... would they have been top 5 nationally? Maybe yes, maybe no. But, that's what this CFN speculation shit is all about anyway. I say they would have been.

Ginn is quite simply the most dangerous return man in the nation,.... better than Hester, better than Bush. Better than all those other scrubs. I could stomach him being listed behind Bush, though I'd disagree.. I don't need to rely on numbers to show me that. Yes, numbers are important, but you also need to look at the numbers they're not showing (as Mili was talking about on page one - the number of returns v. TD's etc.)

Oh, and you put Steve Breaston on that little list of yours... What the fuck has he done since his Freshman year?
69 career punt returns for 911 yards (13.2 avg.) and three TDs ... returned 37 kickoffs for 880 yards (23.8 avg.) during career
Sophmore year (2003):
set Michigan season records in punt returns (45) and yards (619) ... scored two touchdowns on punt returns against Indiana and Illinois ..

He's been nothing since his Sophmore season.


Stop regurgitating what you hear the talking heads say and dig a little.
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