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WR Ray Small (official thread)

crazybuckfan40;938267; said:
Small is really going to help out the offense tremendously...

He can stretch the field and also can make a play everytime he catches the ball...

I agree, and it's not just the catches. His run was good to see and his special teams play was very exciting. I was really fired up after seeing his performance. He may not have the top gear that TGII had, but he DOES have a shiftyness and explosiveness that makes him a threat in a different way. Count me as VERY glad to have Ray back on the field!
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Small awakening
Speedy receiver-return man displayed his playmaking ability in lopsided victory
Tuesday, September 25, 2007 3:46 AM
By Tim May


Ray Small enjoyed a coming-out party for Ohio State with his 48-yard catch-and-run for a touchdown against Northwestern.

It might not have seemed like it, but that was a major Small feat the other day, Ray Small's catch-and-run for a 48-yard touchdown.

It was merely six more points in the third quarter of Ohio State's 58-7 drubbing of Northwestern. But Small made it look easy, snookering a defender with a light bob inside before breaking open down the left sideline to haul in the fourth TD pass of the day by quarterback Todd Boeckman.

In the on-again football life of the 5-foot-9, 185-pound Small, the play was huge in three ways:

It highlighted the Ted Ginn Jr.-like quickness and speed he had yet to flash in a college game.
It showed he could read the defense, meaning his development as a receiver is progressing.
It showed that Boeckman is looking for him.
And for good reason.

"He is a great player who brings another dimension to our offense," Boeckman said. "He's fast. He is coming along really well. Injuries set him back, but he's improving every week."

BuckeyeXtra - The Columbus Dispatch : Small awakening
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MililaniBuckeye;940294; said:
I love Robo and Brian, but Small is a far batter punt returner than either and he showed that Saturday...

Man did he ever... He is hard to get a bead on. I'd really like to see Ray take over the return duties. Any way to get him a few more touches is a good idea in my book. Hopefully Ray will remember to keep the back tucked from now on too.
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The Brians are the top two for punt returns (so far) because of ball security more than anything else. You know JT is going to place that as the highest priority.
As Ray proves that his ball security is as high as the others, then he will move up to the top punt returner. He did a great job with that on punts against NU, but I doubt that the fumbled end-around helped him. It may be a couple of more weeks until he becomes "the man" back there.
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NightmaresDad;941005; said:
The Brians are the top two for punt returns (so far) because of ball security more than anything else. You know JT is going to place that as the highest priority.
As Ray proves that his ball security is as high as the others, then he will move up to the top punt returner. He did a great job with that on punts against NU, but I doubt that the fumbled end-around helped him. It may be a couple of more weeks until he becomes "the man" back there.

I agree, but I'd like to note that I hope that he's never really "the man", because I like the idea better of 2 punt returners.
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