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WR Ray Small (official thread)

utgrad73;930667; said:
He's going to have some big play in the upcoming games. We are loaded with talent. I would like to see him on the punt and KO returns too.

He was back there with the Punt Return team today. He and Robiskie both lined up deep to return them and Washington did the smart thing all but once by kicking to Brian.
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Taosman;936195; said:
Will this be the weekend we finally get to see him make some plays?
Please, pretty please! :tongue2:

I hope so too. I'd like to see Ray and Taurian make a few big plays. This would have been a good weekend for all the Freshman to put it out there. Dane is out and Saine maybe too. Let's hope we see the other's in the mix.
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Bleed S & G;938043; said:
Friend sitting next to me, who knew nothing about Small commented on how he looked like Ted Ginn running. Here's to more Small! :cheers:

I wonder if that has to do with the fact that they came from the same high school (same high school coach), or because their bodies are of similar builds?
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