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WR Ray Small (official thread)

OSU SPORTS;928043; said:
I hate to see Jenkins back there on punts too. OSU can't afford to have him get hurt on a punt return.

Can Ohio State afford to have him get hurt on any typical defensive play? Maybe Ohio State should sit him on the bench to decrease the chances of him getting hurt.

I think you have to play the players who give you the best chances to win. If that means risking some injuries from time to time, then so be it.

But, to get this back on topic, I like the idea of Small returning kicks and punts.
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Zurp;928086; said:
Can Ohio State afford to have him get hurt on any typical defensive play? Maybe Ohio State should sit him on the bench to decrease the chances of him getting hurt.

You've completely missed the point. Why risk injury on your lockdown corner if you have equally effective return specialists(supposedly)?
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BGriffBuckeye;928095; said:
Hmmm.... how about this offensive set:

QB: Todd Boeckman
RB: Chris Wells
APB: Brandon Saine
FL: Brian Robiskie
SE: Brian Hartline
Slot: Raymond Small

:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: Ohhhhh, the possabilities!!


Wow, that would be a lot of offensive tools on the field at once. And the great thing about it, is that they all will be back next year with the possible (maybe becoming probable) exception of Robiskie.
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bukIpower;928686; said:
mark it down yertle JL will come back

I don't know bout Gholston but I think Jenkins is gone.

I agree. I'm about 95% sure that Laurinaitis will be back next year, and about 95% sure that Jenkins will not. I'm not sure about Gholston, at all.
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ScarletBlood31;929178; said:
Do any of you know if he's just going to be playing special teams this week, or if he will see some offensive snaps as well?

I saw an article that someone else posted that said that they (the coaching staff) were hoping to use him as one of the five main receivers. I can't remember who the other four were, but I'd guess Robiskie, Hartline, and Sanzenbacher are three of them.

Edit: See post 912 of this thread.
cleveland.com: Everything Cleveland

The article (last paragraph) says that the Buckeyes expect to play five receivers: Robiskie, Hartline, Small, Sanzenbacher, and Washington.
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Zurp;929207; said:
I saw an article that someone else posted that said that they (the coaching staff) were hoping to use him as one of the five main receivers. I can't remember who the other four were, but I'd guess Robiskie, Hartline, and Sanzenbacher are three of them.

Edit: See post 912 of this thread.
cleveland.com: Everything Cleveland

The article (last paragraph) says that the Buckeyes expect to play five receivers: Robiskie, Hartline, Small, Sanzenbacher, and Washington.

Coach Hazell mentioned yesterday that he has big plans for Saine at WR and on the KR units too, but Doc won't give him up.
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