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WR Ray Small (official thread)

He is the real deal...

Hello my fellow die hard OSU bucks fans... First post..

I've not seen Ray play that must this year as I've not seen that many games :(. He's (and us fans) blessed he didn't get seriously injured last year by "the hit".

I have seen him in High school. I'd say he's the best fball athelete I've seen live. As a HS freshman, playing with my cousin, he ran for 3 touchdowns in the first QUARTER!!!

I didn't see him again live until 2005 in the HS playoffs. His game speed is top notch. Not sure if the 40 times I've seen are accurate (he's faster than what I've seen "officially") because he can cut and turn it on with the best.

He's a big playmaker athlete. Agree with above - he needs to get the ball more!!!
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I wonder if Ray Small gave Beanie a high five for paying Dominique Barber back on his second TD run, in which he proceeded to lay him out and then waltz in for the score, for the hit he laid on Small last year?
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EastSide;945838; said:
He does. He had a little ginn-esque stride on that one or was it just me?

It did suck that he was shoved out before he scored but that just gives us another reason to drink two shots when he scores on it the next try.
He runs very much like Teddy...going down the sideline on that reverse looked just like him. Don't think there's a difference in speed, either.
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Jones is not on the team, is on scholarship and is on campus.
He is also awaiting a court date, the outcome from which could make it

Jones is off campus, off scholarship, off the team and in the slammer.
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Pheasant;946590; said:
He runs very much like Teddy...going down the sideline on that reverse looked just like him. Don't think there's a difference in speed, either.
The only player i've seen as fast at teddy ginn in pads and on the field was this dude named Deion Sanders. Those guys with the 6th gear only come around every so often. Ray may have better instincts then Teddy and may be more of a play maker when it's all said and done.. but i disagree that there is no difference in speed.
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Bleed S & G;946650; said:
Ray may have better instincts then Teddy and may be more of a play maker when it's all said and done.. but i disagree that there is no difference in speed.

The way Ray runs reminds me of Teddy...they have nearly identical running styles. Although Teddy may be faster at top-speed, it looks like Ray accelerates faster and cuts sharper.
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Bleed S & G;946650; said:
The only player i've seen as fast at teddy ginn in pads and on the field was this dude named Deion Sanders.

Dunno...Harvin is pretty fast in pads.

Bo Jackson was silly fast too...almost gave up football and baseball in college to concentrate on Olympic sprinting.

Small can motor...but he isn't in that league yet.
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MililaniBuckeye;946652; said:
The way Ray runs reminds me of Teddy...they have nearly identical running styles. Although Teddy may be faster at top-speed, it looks like Ray accelerates faster and cuts sharper.
Agreed, teddy had a great first step but I believe Ray has quicker agility. Also, he gets north-south a lot more consistently than Teddy.
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Given that speed has more to do with length of stride (how far you travel from left foot to right foot) than foot turn over, (how fast you get from right foot to left foot to right foot) I would give the advantage to Ginn. Look at some of his long runs and look at the distance he covers in one stride.

That being said, It has been fun seeing Small get more touches. He can certainly take some of the heat off of Beanie and Mo and make them more effective, to say nothing of what it adds to the passing game.
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My least favorite play is the wide receiver screen pass, but Small got gains (with decent blocking) out of it twice against Minnesota. Looking forward to seeing more of him. The upfield cut on the reverse got me out of my seat; baked Cheetos all over the couch. :biggrin:
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jwinslow;946659; said:
Agreed, teddy had a great first step but I believe Ray has quicker agility. Also, he gets north-south a lot more consistently than Teddy.

I call shenanigans on this post and most of the posts in this thread.

Ray Small probably has less than 20 touches in his career. I don't think you can compare the two yet. Teddy got north and south plenty in his career at OSU. Lets wait for Small to get a return TD or a 100 yard receiving game before we compare the two.

The only thing I agree with is that his stride looks very similiar to TGII.
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