same stuff we both got and the next issue comes out in late august.
It all sounded great for him but, with all those negative talks on the internet about whats really going on is probably just that. The onlything that I remember BSB,KURELIC AND BUCKNUTS really had a wrong report about d'andrea commited to nebraska way before he commited to OSU a few years ago. If I have to, I'll stick with a BSB report in a sec before, someone who I never seen posted as a regular . That happens all the time and always causes some stuff but, this is the worst one yet. I just really feel sorry for him.
There is onething that might be going on but, its just a GUESS. When, I went to OSU to play soccer my freshmen year of 1989, I had to start in summer classes and a few of the other soccer players that were new just like me had to take these 5 week classes along with there quarter classes to help them through admissions. Kinda like some pre-college classes to make it all ok. I guess thats a way to help someone through the admissions part from whatever there missing but, I'm really not sure because, the way OSU has changed there admissions if that would still be used as a helper for those that need it.