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WR Duron Carter (Official Thread)

I don't know why everyone thinks I'm being hard on Duron. My point was that his loss wasn't a substantial loss because he hadn't produced a high amount of offense this year. It was my understanding that Bowl practices were a big development and him missing that was big. Somebody needed to step up. It looks like our offense took a step in the right direction in that last game. Duron is going to be fine, possibly great. I would have said the same thing about Posey last year.
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On a side note, Duron has since chopped all of his hair off and gone with a pretty fresh lookin cut.
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jwinslow;1647804; said:
I was impressed with Duron's potential, but did not overlook his youth & inconsistency. He dropped a lot more than one pass.

That's what true freshman are supposed to do however, and I look forward to watching him mature on and off the field.

Perhaps your assessment is more fair than mine, I'll just say that I was far more concerned and disappointed with Posey's drops than with Carter's. I feel that Carter's hands are better than Posey's at this point.
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I think this needs to be posted again...everyone needs to read this:

Scout.com: Duron Carter Speaks From The Heart

Ohio State freshman wide receiver certainly had an amazing season for the Buckeyes in 2009, being a rare first-year starter. Carter later suffered the embarrassment of being ruled academically ineligible, and was not able to play in the Rose Bowl, a Buckeye win over Oregon. In this exclusive interview with Bill Greene, Carter explains what went wrong.

Ohio State wide receiver Duron Carter turned plenty of heads in 2009, becoming a rare freshman starter for the Buckeyes, and having a solid season.

Carter, son of former Buckeye and NFL great Cris Carter, was also ruled academically ineligible for the Rose Bowl. In this interview, Carter answers the tough questions about what went wrong, and how he is taking steps to ensure this never happens again.

It should also be noted that Carter initiated the phone call that led to this interview, and it was entirely his decision to come forward to clear the air.

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matcar;1647803; said:
Clearly haven't learned much then. How many throws went his way that he didn't catch...I remember one. He can't catch what's not thrown to him, TP will hopefully be able to spread the ball around a bit more next year.

he was rarely open. i had season tickets (and maybe my man crush on pryor is making me biased) but it seemed to me our biggest weakness last year was wr's getting separation. Whether that is offensive scheme or lack of talent we have to improve our wr's next year
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kolOhioState88;1651303; said:
he was rarely open. i had season tickets (and maybe my man crush on pryor is making me biased) but it seemed to me our biggest weakness last year was wr's getting separation. Whether that is offensive scheme or lack of talent we have to improve our wr's next year

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kolOhioState88;1651303; said:
he was rarely open. i had season tickets (and maybe my man crush on pryor is making me biased) but it seemed to me our biggest weakness last year was wr's getting separation. Whether that is offensive scheme or lack of talent we have to improve our wr's next year
More than one opponent has publicly stated after a game against OSU that nothing OSU does in terms of route-running with the offensive scheme is exotic or difficult to break down.

The WRs will get more separation when TP has total command of the offense. Posey, Sanz, and Carter know how to run routes. Hartline and Robo didn't suddenly "forget" what they did between '07 and their less productive '08 campaigns (when everyone complained that they couldn't get separation either). The QB has just as much to do with that as the WRs. When TP can pump fake, move DBs with his eyes, has freedom to audible, can anticipate WR's breaks, hot routes, etc, everybody will suddenly look wide open like when Troy Smith was breaking records in '06.
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Fields will see the field because he got what Carter doesn't, take-it-the-distance speed!(he will get instant respect from DBs) And he has excellent hands. Decent size, too. I see him splitting reps with Carter.
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Taosman;1651347; said:
Fields will see the field because he got what Carter doesn't, take-it-the-distance speed!(he will get instant respect from DBs) And he has excellent hands. Decent size, too. I see him splitting reps with Carter.

Back in 84, 85 and 86, Ohio State had faster Wide Receivers than Cris Carter. Some of them saw the field very seldom.

It remains to be seen how productive either Duron or his faster teammates might be. But speed is but one, over-rated piece of the equation.
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