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WR Duron Carter (Official Thread)

matcar;1647648; said:
Did you actually watch Duron play? If you did, you'd retract your comments as Duron was clearly a player out there and has incredible hands. Yeah, he screwed up in the classroom and has to get that act together, but if you weren't impressed with what he did on the football field, then you don't watch much football.

To answer your question, yes. I did watch Duron play. I watched him make 13 catches in 2009. I said that Duron really hadn't done much all year and that he had shown flashes here and there but by no means had he made any substantial impact. I realize he was only a freshman. I said somebody had to step up.
I am very excited to see what Duron can bring to the table. He had 13 catches on the football field this year, that's nothing for me to be too impressed by. I watch a lot of football though, chief.
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We also had a very mediocre passing qb almost all year. Hard to "wow" people when you have a qb that struggles to get you the ball. For an 18 year old kid, I think Duron did quite well and showed a lot of promise.
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southcampus;1647689; said:
To answer your question, yes. I did watch Duron play. I watched him make 13 catches in 2009. I said that Duron really hadn't done much all year and that he had shown flashes here and there but by no means had he made any substantial impact. I realize he was only a freshman. I said somebody had to step up.
I am very excited to see what Duron can bring to the table. He had 13 catches on the football field this year, that's nothing for me to be too impressed by. I watch a lot of football though, chief.

Clearly haven't learned much then. How many throws went his way that he didn't catch...I remember one. He can't catch what's not thrown to him, TP will hopefully be able to spread the ball around a bit more next year.
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I was impressed with Duron's potential, but did not overlook his youth & inconsistency. He dropped a lot more than one pass.

That's what true freshman are supposed to do however, and I look forward to watching him mature on and off the field.
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matcar;1647803; said:
Clearly haven't learned much then. How many throws went his way that he didn't catch...I remember one. He can't catch what's not thrown to him, TP will hopefully be able to spread the ball around a bit more next year.

There was alot more than that. Southcampus is a very good evaluator, I typically agree with his player assessments. Now, Duron didn't have as bad of a season as he's making it out to be, but I think that people had such high expectations for him that it would've been hard for him to live up to those either way.
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No doubt. If I had a free education handed to me, as well as being on the big stage (with OSU) and tossed it away, my father, mother, grand parents, hs coach, minister, etc. would have laid into me as well. Probably as much as y'all too.

As to Duron's impact.....methinks he was the third or fourth receiver out there, and with TP's 'limited' passing plays/range/whatever, he was not the primary target (granted, TP has progressed a bunch since then), and therefore unlikely to get the ball thrown his way. One of the stat wonks can probably figure out what percentage of the balls thrown his way (catchable only) he caught versus dropped. That would be telling on what kind of year he had. Fourth option, TP throwing on the run, not knowing each other's moves, hard to judge.

That said, what I saw of him was impressive. He caught some tough balls, but dropped a couple of easy ones. Some of the 18 year olders do that a bit, I've heard. Patience, coaching, and dedication (in class and on field) usually doesn't 'take' until later. MHO. I hope he comes back strong.

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