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WR Duron Carter (Official Thread)

bkochmc;1581930; said:
Carter looked good returning punts on Saturday. Made quick decisions and hit the hole fast on his first return. Could we see the dual returners method Tressel used in 2006 with Ginn and Gonzalez?

Carter does have very good hands and is very quick to see the hole....but he does not have the pace to take it to the house.....so, no home run threat here. However, the coaches have to be a little nervous about Ray Small dropping the ball a few times. I am nervous every time they punt to him.
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jazzman;1581956; said:
Carter does have very good hands and is very quick to see the hole....but he does not have the pace to take it to the house.....so, no home run threat here. However, the coaches have to be a little nervous about Ray Small dropping the ball a few times. I am nervous every time they punt to him.
Gonzalez wasn't perceived to be a home run threat either, though I do believe he returned 1 for a TD. A pair of solid hands and a 10-15 yard return average is the thing of Tressel dreams. Not saying Carter can give that right now but I believe he has the ability to do so.

EDIT: Looked it up, Gonzalez never returned a punt for a TD. Returned 10 kicks total in 2006 (4 punts, 6 kickoffs).
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bkochmc;1582166; said:
Gonzalez wasn't perceived to be a home run threat either, though I do believe he returned 1 for a TD. A pair of solid hands and a 10-15 yard return average is the thing of Tressel dreams. Not saying Carter can give that right now but I believe he has the ability to do so.

EDIT: Looked it up, Gonzalez never returned a punt for a TD. Returned 10 kicks total in 2006 (4 punts, 6 kickoffs).

I'd say in punt-returning, Carter would be more like Michael Jenkins was. Great hands and good straight-line speed if there's a seam, but probably won't make a ton of guys miss en route to a highlight-reel TD. Jenkins did return one for a TD against Iowa in 2003.
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bkochmc;1582166; said:
Gonzalez wasn't perceived to be a home run threat either, though I do believe he returned 1 for a TD. A pair of solid hands and a 10-15 yard return average is the thing of Tressel dreams. Not saying Carter can give that right now but I believe he has the ability to do so.

EDIT: Looked it up, Gonzalez never returned a punt for a TD. Returned 10 kicks total in 2006 (4 punts, 6 kickoffs).

I think you were thinking of Hartline.
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bkochmc;1581930; said:
Carter looked good returning punts on Saturday. Made quick decisions and hit the hole fast on his first return. Could we see the dual returners method Tressel used in 2006 with Ginn and Gonzalez?

Gonzo was very effective as a blocker while back there as a second returner, which takes good football instincts and a willingness for contact. Those are things I believe Carter has, so I could see that being something they experiment with in the Spring. Ideally the other guy would be a blazer.
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BB73;1582503; said:
Gonzo was very effective as a blocker while back there as a second returner, which takes good football instincts and a willingness for contact. Those are things I believe Carter has, so I could see that being something they experiment with in the Spring. Ideally the other guy would be a blazer.

That sounds reasonable....Duron is a very good blocker. The whole equation could change with....Lamarcus Joyner.
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My high school coach always say that you lose about 10 yards any time a ball hits the ground on a punt. And this is from a coach who runs a ball control- triple option offense, so he greatly values his field position. I'm pretty sure that is why Duron returned some punts. He'll catch everything and has the speed to do some damage with the ball in his hands, but not enough to be a game breaker. I'm guessin Tressel hasn't seen anything amazing out of Ray Small, so he decided to put the sure handed Carter back to catch a few.
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bkochmc;1581930; said:
Carter looked good returning punts on Saturday. Made quick decisions and hit the hole fast on his first return. Could we see the dual returners method Tressel used in 2006 with Ginn and Gonzalez?

A big part of why is because of NMSU's god awful punt coverage. Small and Carter had 10 yards in front of them every time. I'd like to see Sanzenbacher get another look. He looked solid against Navy and he's the most sure-handed receiver on the team(other than maybe Duron).
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A big part of why is because of NMSU's god awful punt coverage. Small and Carter had 10 yards in front of them every time. I'd like to see Sanzenbacher get another look. He looked solid against Navy and he's the most sure-handed receiver on the team(other than maybe Duron).
i said this in pregame warmups, that was the slowest team (worst team) ive seen in a few years. granted in the past two years ive been to maybe only 3 high school football games, that was the worst team ive seen in that time span...
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jimotis4heisman;1582549; said:
i said this in pregame warmups, that was the slowest team (worst team) ive seen in a few years. granted in the past two years ive been to maybe only 3 high school football games, that was the worst team ive seen in that time span...
they could give Delaware State a run for their money.
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