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WR Corey "Philly" Brown (Official Thread)

Ohio State spotlight: WR Corey Brown
By Tim May
The Columbus Dispatch Friday October 28, 2011


Kyle Robertson | Dispatch
Ohio State Buckeyes wide receiver Corey Brown (10) makes a catch against Nebraska on Oct. 8.

Whether Corey ?Philly? Brown can develop into a big-time receiving threat on the outside for Ohio State isn?t clear yet, but a good time to start might be tonight.

Just when the sophomore was getting going as the Buckeyes? only returning wide receiver with a modicum of experience ? due to the now 10-game suspension of DeVier Posey ? he was sidelined with a high-ankle sprain early in game two. Chris Fields and freshmen Devin Smith and Evan Spencer tried to pick up the slack with intermittent success, but it was obvious when Brown returned for the game at Nebraska back on Oct.8 he brought an edge back to the corps.

Not that it showed up in the Buckeyes? 17-7 win at Illinois two weeks ago. At least 12 pass plays were called, but Braxton Miller attempted only four, completing just one, though it went for a touchdown to tight end Jake Stoneburner.

More notably, it was the second game this season in which not one OSU wide receiver caught a pass, the first being the loss at Miami.

Against a Wisconsin defense that likely will be stacking the box to stop the run, it?s imperative that the Buckeyes exploit what could be opportunities in the passing game. Which is where the speedy Brown should come in to the picture, if he is far enough removed ? including last week?s open date ? from that high ankle sprain.

?It?s one of those things where you come back, you think you're fine, but maybe that gear isn't there,? OSU coach Luke Fickell said. ?Hopefully each and every week he's going to be better and better and better. With that one week off, he'll hopefully feel a little bit better.?

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Meet a Buckeye: WR Corey Brown
By Bill Rabinowitz
The Columbus Dispatch Friday November 25, 2011


Age: 20

Year: Sophomore

Vitals: 5 feet 11, 182 pounds

Hometown: Upper Darby, Pa. (Cardinal O?Hara High School)

Major: Communication


A first-year starter at wide receiver, Corey Brown has had to make a big adjustment since high school, where he gained all-star status primarily as a runner. He gained more than 3,000 yards rushing, 1,500 receiving and scored 50 touchdowns in high school. He was named to the Under Armour All-America game, and college coaches from around the country were attracted by his speed ? he set a Delaware County (Pa.) record in the 200-meter dash (21.4 seconds).

Q -- Your nickname at Ohio State quickly became ?Philly,? because you are from a Philadelphia suburb and it helped distinguish you from the other Corey Brown on the team. What do you think of it?

A -- I don?t really like ?Philly? too much, but I guess I?ve got to deal with it while I?m here.

Q -- What would prefer?

A -- Corey. ? I like my name better.

Q -- Do your teammates call you ?Philly??

A -- Yeah. Everybody around campus calls me ?Philly? now, so I?ve kind of gotten used to it.


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Always saw the potential, but never really saw the production. I thought he was a bit overrated and may not be able to translate practices to games. Still had some drop issues, but here's to hoping today was his breakout game, and he and Devin Smith make Braxton's life much easier next year. Nice game Philly!
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One surprise at receiver was Corey "Philly" Brown working with the second team. The Buckeyes had three receivers on the field most of the time, and sophomores Devin Smith and Evan Spencer were with the first team, with junior Chris Fields in the slot. Sophomore T.Y. Williams looked improved on the second team and made at least one nice catch, but Meyer is still not satisfied with his playmakers.

"At Ohio State, you should walk off the field going, 'Wow, who are those three guys?'" Meyer said. "I haven't done that yet and I still today haven't done that. There's got to be a wow factor, and you should have one, should have two, here you should probably have more than two."

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New Staff Challenging Philly Brown to Harness Potential
By Brandon Castel

COLUMBUS, Ohio ? Watching Corey Brown carry the football as a young wide receiver out of Philadelphia, one might have thought the Buckeyes landed the next DeSean Jackson.


Photo by Jim Davidson Corey "Philly" Brown

That would have worked out nicely in Ohio State?s new offense under Urban Meyer, which is centered around getting the ball into the hands of the team?s best playmakers.

Brown?s speed and explosiveness should put him at the top of that list, but after 11 practices, the Buckeyes are still waiting for their wide receivers to make the jump Meyer was hoping for when he took the job back in November.

?To say they've answered the call, I would say they haven't yet,? first-year receivers coach Zach Smith said after practice Saturday.

?They've improved and made more plays, but not at the level we want them to and need them to. They've done better, and they need to do a lot better before you can say they've answered his demands and my demands.?


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Ohio State football: OSU?s Brown wants to be in running at H-back
By Tim May
The Columbus Dispatch Thursday August 16, 2012


On the matter of cornerback Bradley Roby being the fastest player on Ohio State?s roster, receiver Corey Brown begged to differ.

In fact, he seemed to be stumping for a race to determine who is faster. He knew Roby ran 40 yards in 4.31 seconds in the spring, but Brown had undergone arthroscopic surgery then to repair a torn meniscus in a knee.

?I came off my surgery and ran my 40, I think it was 4.4 flat,? Brown said. ?If I was healthy, I would have beaten Roby. Roby is very fast, though. Roby is definitely the second-fastest on the team.

?Roby is a blazer, Roby can run a 4.31 consistently, I think. But I can beat him.?Obviously, Brown thinks he is fast, but he also thinks he can fill the void at the pivotal running back/receiver position, with projected starter Jordan Hall?s return still several weeks away as he recovers from a cut foot that required surgery.?I would love to do that,? Brown said. ?Obviously, having Jordan out is bad, but hopefully I can step in and fill in for him.?

Brown starred as a do-everything running back in high school outside of Philadelphia in Upper Darby, Pa., where he also was all-state in track. At 6 feet and 186 pounds, he is never going to be confused for the 5-9, 198-pound Hall, but there is a chance he could be a capable substitute as the hybrid, or H, back.

?The ?H? is coach (Urban) Meyer?s guy, the person that?s our man (coverage) beater, or just the person we?re going to go to,? said Brown, who added that he and Jake Stoneburner had been spending time at the spot, depending on the formation.

The problem for Brown is that position demands a player who can often line up on the wing and be an effective runner inside and outside, as well as being a quality receiver.

?I?m not sure how many carries he can withstand inside the tackles,? offensive coordinator Tom Herman said of Brown. ?But he could certainly motion into the backfield and become a pitch guy on the option because he does have some acceleration and some speed.?


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