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WR Corey "Philly" Brown (Official Thread)

O?Hara?s Brown could be big for Buckeyes
Published: Wednesday, August 24, 2011
[email protected]

He doesn?t line up in the backfield anymore and won?t be touching the ball nearly as many times as he used to when he wore a Cardinal O?Hara jersey, but Corey Brown looks to be getting back to his usual penchant for making big plays.

Brown, a 6-0, 190-pound sophomore at Ohio State University who was a two-time All-Delco football player for Dan Algeo?s O?Hara squad, now takes snaps at wide receiver for new Buckeye head coach Luke Fickell.

From the sounds of it, he?s making a name for himself on the outside after terrorizing Delco as a running back and defensive back.

?Coming out of high school and not running routes other than swing passes and things like that, I sort of came in as a body catcher,? Brown said. ?That was one of the big things to work on for me. But right now, me and Verlon Reed are the guys at No. 1 until DeVier (Posey) comes back.?

Posey was one of five Buckeyes suspended for the first five games of the season for his alleged role in the tattoo and memorabilia scandal that rocked Columbus this offseason and cost former head coach Jim Tressel his job.

The suspension, however, has opened up opportunities for Brown, opportunities that he plans to make good on.

?I?m still working on getting better at everything ? more consistent hands, blocking, everything ? but my speed is a good thing to have,? Brown said of the wheels that made him the 2009 Daily Times Male Track Athlete of the Year. ?Plus going against our defense in practice every day helps a lot. No one is shifting coverages and switching things up like our defense does.?


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Sportsbuck28;1986846; said:
Marty on 97.1 the Fan is reporting his return today is doubtful

Hopefully, he will be back for next week...

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So is this a knee sprain or an ankle sprain? A high ankle could put an early return a little more in doubt. I was worried at the game that it was a serious knee injury just from the way he lurched off of the pile. Get well Philly!
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Yeah, the way it was rolled up on, it looked EXACTLY like a season-ending ACL. Anytime a knee buckles sideways, that's always what I think...hopefully he recovers quickly and it's not a serious as we all fear. :/
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Brown looking better

Center Michael Brewster was among those on the offense pleased to see receiver Corey Brown in action during practice yesterday. Brown has missed the past 31/2 games because of a high ankle sprain.

?I saw him out there running around on offense,? Brewster said. ?It?s good to see him back in the huddle.?

A return by Brown this week would be a bonus for the receiving corps, which found out Sunday that starter Verlon Reed suffered a season-ending right knee injury and must deal with Posey?s additional suspension.

But the prognosis still is not so good for defensive end Nathan Williams (knee), who has been missing from the lineup since the week after the opener.

?I would doubt (he could return), based on what I saw Sunday,? Fickell said.

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