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WR Corey "Philly" Brown (Official Thread)

BuckTwenty;1798537; said:
I haven't seen a guy move so fast since Ted Ginn on that end around he had today. Not a long strider, he just looks like he's got an extra gear that no one else on the other team has. We're gonna have to find ways to get him the ball in some space here in the future, because that kid can move.

Philly's something special. Can't wait to see what's in store for him.

I think he's the player OSU coaches were hoping to get with Lamaar Thomas. Flash didn't flash, but Brown is already getting yards on end arounds and returning returning punts. Good for him. Hope he can be OSU's Russell Sheppard/Andre Dubose.
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Buckeyes receive some freshman flash from speedy Corey Brown
Published: Saturday, October 23, 2010
Bill Lubinger, The Plain Dealer


Marvin Fong / The Plain Dealer
Corey Brown enjoyed the playing time he received Saturday against Purdue, which included his first collegiate touchdown for the Buckeyes.

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- It was a basic crossing pattern, 14 yards out, then snap it sharp across the middle. The kind of route in which a receiver usually takes one in the chin.

Except the Purdue safety backed off. Seeing that, Ohio State quarterback Terrelle Pryor zipped the ball, finding true freshman Corey Brown, who reached up high to grab it for a touchdown and a 42-0 lead just before halftime.

Now, just because the defense allowed Brown a little cushion doesn't mean he went untouched.

"Once I caught it I looked in, I thought I got stopped at the 1 yard line," he said, "so I was going to be pretty mad. I got up and saw [teammate] DeVier [Posey] running over to me. He started smacking my helmet. The chin straps came down. It was pretty wild."

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BuckTwenty;1798537; said:
I haven't seen a guy move so fast since Ted Ginn on that end around he had today. Not a long strider, he just looks like he's got an extra gear that no one else on the other team has. We're gonna have to find ways to get him the ball in some space here in the future, because that kid can move.

Philly's something special. Can't wait to see what's in store for him.

bassbuckeye07;1798944; said:
Speed yes....but even better was the way he caught the ball.... two hands snatched out of the air. Reminds me of Terry Glenn...
Is it too early to start with the Joey Galloway comparisons...?
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Ohio State football: ?Philly' Brown emerging (with video)
Published: Monday, October 25, 2010
By John Kampf
[email protected]

COLUMBUS ? Corey Brown has done some pretty cool stuff in his young life.

As a senior at Cardinal O'Hara High School in suburban Philadelphia, Brown dusted the rest of the competition in the 200-meter dash for a time of 21.4 seconds and a state championship.

In football, Brown ran for more than 3,000 yards in his career and caught 1,500 yards worth of passes, while scoring 50 touchdowns.

Despite all that, what he did on Saturday at Ohio Stadium took over the top rung on his athletic ladder.

Brown caught his first collegiate touchdown pass for Ohio State in a 49-0 win over visiting Purdue, a 23-yard strike from quarterback Terrelle Pryor.

"Winning a state championship is phenomenal," Brown said. "I'll always remember that. But your first college touchdown, you'll always remember that."

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Brown showing he's quick learner
Freshman receiver picking up OSU offense
Thursday, October 28, 2010
By Tim May


Chris Russell | DISPATCH
Dane Sanzenbacher, left, congratulates Corey Brown, right, on his TD catch against Purdue.

Freshman receiver Corey Brown had been on the Ohio State campus for only a few days in June when he was already making a name for himself.

Make that a nickname: Philly.

Being from Upper Darby, Pa., a Philadelphia suburb, his new teammates needed a way to differentiate between him and second-year defensive back Corey Brown of Monroeville, Pa., near Pittsburgh. So "Philly" it was, and Brown ran with it.

Heading into a game Saturday night at Minnesota, Brown is playing more and more for Ohio State. Last week against Purdue, he scored his first touchdown with a leaping grab, caught another pass and gained 18 yards on an end-around.

Of course, he had been told all along that he had the goods to play as a freshman.

"Obviously the coaches will tell you that before you get here, as a recruiting thing," Brown said with a smile. "Then during summer workouts we were doing one-on-one things, and that kind of helped it. Then (preseason) camp is where (receivers coach Darrell) Hazell decided he should really give me a chance."

Hazell always seems to find at least one freshman to bring along during a season. With Ohio State's top receivers being senior Dane Sanzenbacher, junior DeVier Posey and senior Taurian Washington, there was a need for youth.

But there was more to Brown's ascension than filling a need.

"It does take a lot to get the coaches to trust you," said Sanzenbacher, who also played as a freshman. "It starts in the meeting room. I mean, if (Hazell) can't trust you mentally, then physically really doesn't matter.

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Corey Brown: Man Of Two Nicknames | Bucknuts.com

Posted by Dave Biddle on Nov 01, 2010 at 03:24 pm

With all apologies to Paul Pierce of the Boston Celtics, Ohio State true freshman Corey "Philly" Brown has already earned his second nickname: "The Truth."

When the wide receiver arrived in Columbus in June, the players immediately knew they needed to come up with a distinction between Brown and redshirt freshman defensive back Corey Brown from Pittsburgh (no relation).

Well, using the K.I.S.S. theory (keep it simple, stupid), they decided to name the Philadelphia born and bred WR "Philly Brown," and name the Steel City native defensive back "Pittsburgh Brown." So, before he ever took a class at OSU, "Philly" had a brand-new nickname.

Another way to tell the two apart is that Philly Brown is actually getting meaningful playing time, which is no easy task as a true freshman. In fairness, Pittsburgh Brown was on the verge of getting some action at safety (after being moved from corner) but was lost for the season with a torn ACL in the Purdue game.

Philly Brown has already emerged as the Buckeyes' No. 3 receiver, beating out the likes of Taurian Washington and Chris Fields for the job. Meanwhile, fellow true freshmen James Louis and T.Y. Williams are redshirting this season.

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