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WR Corey "Philly" Brown (Official Thread)

Ohio State's Philly Brown gets a shot as the Buckeyes' playmaker
Published: Friday, August 31, 2012
By Doug Lesmerises, The Plain Dealer


Marvin Fong, The Plain Dealer
Ohio State's Philly Brown says he's ready to be the playmaker the Buckeyes need in Urban Meyer's quick-paced offense.

Columbus -- He was using words like explosion to explain the new Ohio State offense, urging fans not to leave their seats at Ohio Stadium today when the Buckeyes have the football.

How about dangerous, though? What about a guy that when he gets the ball, the other team really worries? If the Buckeyes are going to explode against the Miami RedHawks today in coach Urban Meyer's debut, they need players like receiver Philly Brown to be not just good, but dangerous.

He said he can be.

"Definitely in this offense, the way we've been practicing," Brown said this week. "Obviously I have a lot of weight to hold up. I like the fact that coach Meyer trusts me with the ball, and they've been giving me the ball more in practice. As long as I take care of my end, that should happen."

Quarterback Braxton Miller is the obvious leader and a good fit for this up-tempo spread offense, and lots of people around the program have seen a turnaround in running back Carlos Hyde. But there may be no member of the offense with the chance to change his game as much in this offense as Brown.

"I always wanted to play in a no-huddle offense, fast speed, score quickly, get off the field and always keep the defense on their heels," Brown said.


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Ohio State notes: ?Philly' Brown could be in for more touches
Published: Saturday, September 08, 2012
By Bob Finnan
[email protected]

COLUMBUS ? Largely out of necessity, expect to see a lot more of wide receiver Corey "Philly" Brown next week.

He is proving to be one of Ohio State's best playmakers on offense. He had two rushing attempts for 33 yards on Saturday in the Buckeyes' 31-16 win over Central Florida. The 6-foot, 187-pound junior also caught six passes for 48 yards.

"Another guy that's done a nice job that I'll investigate more this week is Philly Brown," Ohio State coach Urban Meyer said. "He's turning into that playmaker. You might see him carrying the ball a little bit on the east/west stuff. We have to."

Other than quarterback Braxton Miller, the Buckeyes have shown very few playmakers on offense. Meyer apparently wants to take a good look at Brown, who is lightning quick.

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Buckeyes? dual threat
Posted: Tuesday, September 11, 2012
By Jim Naveau


COLUMBUS ? If Ohio State?s shortage of healthy running backs means wide receiver Corey Brown gets to carry the football a few times on Saturday against California, he won?t complain.

In fact, he?d welcome it.

Brown, who has emerged as Ohio State?s go-to receiver with 13 catches in the first two games of the season, envisioned himself carrying the ball a lot when he committed to OSU as a senior running back out of Upper Darby (Pa.) Cardinal O?Hara High School.

He rushed for more than 1,000 yards as as sophomore and senior and would have done it three times but was injured his junior year.

When he got to Columbus and found out he wouldn?t be playing running back or his second choice, cornerback, he wasn?t thrilled.

?I actually thought I was going to come here for corner, but when I got here they had me in the receivers room. I was sad. I?ll be honest,? Brown said. ?But I realized I was too skinny (to play running back).

?I always want to run the ball. I joke around with the running backs that I could play running back. For it to happen would be real good,? he said.


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Ohio State football: Corey 'Philly' Brown embracing role, if not his nickname
Published: Thursday, September 13, 2012
By John Kampf
[email protected]

COLUMBUS ? That Corey Brown doesn't have an identity crisis is a minor miracle.

As a high-schooler in the Philadelphia suburb of Upper Darby, Pa., Brown was a two-time all-state selection as a running back.

Now in his third year at Ohio State, Brown is better known by the nickname he doesn't really care for ? Philly ? and is playing a position he didn't think he would be playing on the college level ? wide receiver.

No wonder the 6-foot, 187-pounder said he took a long look in the mirror prior to the start of his junior season.

He probably forgot who he was.

He was no longer Corey Brown the running back, but rather Philly Brown the receiver.

"I had to take a long look in the mirror," Brown said. "Obviously my first two seasons here weren't really good. I had to take a long look in the mirror and say, ?If this is what I want to do the rest of my life, I've got to get going.' "

The self-directed pep talk seems to have done the trick.

Heading into Saturday's game against visiting California, Brown leads Ohio State with 13 receptions for 135 yards. He is one reception away from equaling the 14 catches he had as a sophomore, which tied him for the team lead.

He came into the season with 23 career receptions, eight coming as a freshman.

In Brown's defense, he has had to learn the receiver's position from the ground up. After rushing for more than 3,000 yards and scoring 50 touchdowns as a high-schooler ? he also caught 1,500 yards worth of passes out of the backfield ? Brown found himself in a unique place upon reporting to Jim Tressel's Buckeyes.

"I thought I was going to come here for corner(back)," Brown said. "When I came here, they had me in the receiver's room.

"I was sad. I'll be honest."


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Good story linked above.. I, too, was amused at P. Brown in the box scores but he's not :lol:

While Brown's contributions on the field are crystal clear, what to call him isn't.

Tressel gave Brown the nickname "Philly" to differentiate him from the other Corey Brown on the roster, who is nicknamed "Pittsburgh" for his hometown's proximity to the Steel City.

While Brown, the receiver, said he prefers to be called "Corey Brown," he seemingly has run up the white flag on his nickname. Not only did he wear a tee shirt with the word "Philly" on the front to Monday's media conference, but his Twitter name is @PhillyBrown10.

"That's only because only one person can have a name on Twitter, and every other name was taken," he said.
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Heading into Saturday's game against visiting California, Brown leads Ohio State with 13 receptions for 135 yards. He is one reception away from equaling the 14 catches he had as a sophomore, which tied him for the team lead.

He came into the season with 23 career receptions, eight coming as a freshman.

Something doesn't add up about this snippet. :shake:
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WR Brown might get shot at RB
With running backs ranks thinning, 'Philly' says he's ready to run
Updated: September 12, 2012
By Austin Ward | BuckeyeNation

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The defensive dream has been dead for a while.

Corey "Philly" Brown won't be lining up at cornerback at Ohio State as he once thought he would -- certainly not, considering that he's one of the most productive members of the Buckeyes offense.


AP Photo/Jay LaPrete
Corey "Philly" Brown has been explosive on offense, so much so that the Buckeyes might try him out at running back this week.

But the other position the junior originally thought he might play could become an option for him Saturday against California. The Ohio State coaches are scrambling to find healthy options at running back, and Brown is a viable option there, though he came to terms with the fact that wide receiver is the best spot for him long ago.

"I actually thought I was going to come here for corner," Brown said. "I thought I was going to be a corner or a running back here, but I realized I was too skinny.

"When I came here and they had me in the receiver room, I was sad, I'm going to be honest."

There's nothing getting Brown down at that spot anymore, and there are also plenty of smiles on the coaches' faces as he has emerged as one of Ohio State's most dynamic playmakers in the passing game, with 13 catches through two games.

Brown could be in line to provide a boost on the ground as well after turning two carries into 33 yards in last week's win over UCF, including a 19-yard end-around that energized the spread offense. His previous experience as a rusher and the rash of injuries in the backfield might provide yet another way to prove his value for the Buckeyes -- and live out at least one of those expectations he had for his career before arriving on campus.

"That was my first time carrying the ball in a while, even though it wasn't like a real carry," Brown said. "It takes me back to high school days. I used to run the ball around a little bit, and it's always fun.

"I always want to run the ball. I joke around about it in the locker room with the running backs, telling them I could play running back and everything. If Coach [Urban] Meyer wants to use me to carry the ball, I'm fine with it."


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