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WR Corey "Philly" Brown (Official Thread)

buckeyes_rock;2264763; said:
Great game today Philly against TSUN!

youra6;2264767; said:
Indeed. Best game of his career I would say.
8 receptions for 95 yards and a TD; one rush for 21 yards.

But the fumbled punt was costly.

On the season: 60 receptions for 669 yards and 3 TD; 18 punt returns for 221 yards and 2 TD; 11 rushes for 96 yards and 1 TD.
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LordJeffBuck;2264870; said:
8 receptions for 95 yards and a TD; one rush for 21 yards.

But the fumbled punt was costly.

On the season: 60 receptions for 669 yards and 3 TD; 18 punt returns for 221 yards and 2 TD; 11 rushes for 96 yards and 1 TD.

I know it doesn't change anything, but the roughing the kicker that would have given UM the first down anyways makes the fumble seem a little less costly than I would have considered it otherwise.
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Maybe the biggest surprise of the season. After drops, inconsistency, and injuries last year, I did not expect him to be a sure-handed, consistent chain-mover. Not to mention the best punt returner since Ginn. He also looked more comfortable trying to juke defenders out. Definitely not the same player who stumbled over his own feet vs. Cal.
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The 25 Speediest Guys in College Football

5. Corey Brown, Ohio State Buckeyes

Ohio State's first player on the list, wide receiver Corey Brown, runs a 40 of 4.37 seconds. His fastest time stands at 4.26. While there was a 40-time tie between Brown and Levonte Whitfield, Whitfield's only reported time was a 4.37.

Brown can help Braxton Miller one more time before departing from the collegiate ranks, but he is an all-out game breaker when he's at his best. If Ohio State has another undefeated regular season, expect to see Brown on the All-Big Ten Team.
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WR Corey Brown (5-11, 187, 4.37)
Ohio State's leading receiver from a year ago, Brown has speed to burn, but despite his jets, he has struggled to escape the grasp of defenders and still needs to prove he's more than just a track guy in pads. Brown has shown improved confidence over his career and has become more reliable catching and securing the ball with his hands, but he still has room to grow before he's ready for the NFL.

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