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Game Thread Wisconsin at tOSU, Sep 28th, 8 ET, ABC/ESPN/ESPN2

First of all, can we please stop using 1st person pronouns when talking about the Buckeyes? It's not just you; this is a disease that has infected much of the board.

"Sleeping" on teams is your term. It implies that there is something about the opponent that caused the over confidence. This is seldom the case with the Bucks. The worst case of "failing to properly prepare" (my term) of the last decade was Glendale. That was the biggest no-show in OSU history. They did not sleep on Florida; but neither did they show up ready to play.

I'll try. My view is, I'm a Buckeye. I went to school there, I paid tuition there, I graduated there. I am a Buckeye. The Buckeyes are playing the Badgers. That's just how I feel.

I know your intent is that I'm not on the team. I will try though. This isn't something that's specific to this forum though. This is sports fans of any team (college or professional)
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And, I do believe this is the exact reason people have objected to the use of "we" in reference to the Buckeyes and it's also why I don't say "we" when referring to them. But, that said, it really is just a short hand was to say Ohio State. If I had my way, WE'D be nailing Jaxbuck. Goddamn is she hot. And foul mouthed. I think I'm gonna PM her pictures of me after a work out.
tOSU works well. It's only two letters longer than we, and one of my favorite things about BP is preserved.
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I'll try. My view is, I'm a Buckeye. I went to school there, I paid tuition there, I graduated there. I am a Buckeye. The Buckeyes are playing the Badgers. That's just how I feel.

I agree with this, and I'd actually like to hear what coaches and players think about the level of camaraderie that makes fans say "we" about their team. I just never understood how anyone could take issue with someone saying "we won that game" after they had spent the day in the Horseshoe, cheered the team to victory, and sang and clapped and got a little misty-eyed during Script Ohio and the alma mater. In the Buckeye Battle Cry, who has to win this game today? My family has been graduating from and working for OSU since the 19th century, I've given half my life to this University as a student and staff, and I'll be consarned if I can't take personal pride in everything we do as Buckeyes.

But feel free to bash me over the head whenever I say "we" about those damned Buffalo Bills.
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I think this is going to be a good, tough, game. Which is good. The Bucks need a tough game to further define who is going to do what the rest of the season when tOSU is in a real game.
I think OSU wins 20-19.

I would much prefer 42-6 OSU, but, well ---
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It's Friday and tomorrow is game day!!! Been back and forth all week on the turnout of this game. I think the Buckeyes win this one comfortably. Too many weapons on O and think Brown returns a punt this week. If the D can control the line of scrimmage, contain the run game forcing Stave to throw and get off the field quickly, this game won't even be close. Wiscy will put up some points and keep it close into the 3rd and a costly pick or a quick 3 and out followed by a Buckeye score will put it away. tOSU wins 34-21
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Whoever said alumni/fans don't risk harm to themselves... I can't speak for everyone, but that is a lie as a whole. Maybe even more than the team for some of us, especially those who travel. I'm certain there are players on the bench who consider themselves Buckeyes, do they not reserve the right to do so without playing time? What makes a Buckeye? Do you just have to practice? Is that enough harm risked? If so, I'd say those who have been spit on and hit with (insert random flying object) are putting themselves in harms way more than said individual player.

All that said, I am a Buckeye and I hope we crush the Badgers this Saturday. No ill will intended, just my two cents.
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I agree with this, and I'd actually like to hear what coaches and players think about the level of camaraderie that makes fans say "we" about their team. I just never understood how anyone could take issue with someone saying "we won that game" after they had spent the day in the Horseshoe, cheered the team to victory, and sang and clapped and got a little misty-eyed during Script Ohio and the alma mater. In the Buckeye Battle Cry, who has to win this game today? My family has been graduating from and working for OSU since the 19th century, I've given half my life to this University as a student and staff, and I'll be consarned if I can't take personal pride in everything we do as Buckeyes.

But feel free to bash me over the head whenever I say "we" about those damned Buffalo Bills.

Yeah, I won't say it. If everyone else thinks it's their right, who am I to stop them.

They should be prepared for me to flip the fuck out when "we" turns to "they" when the going gets tough, however.

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36-17 good guys.

The first half will be close, but a late TD pass from Miller to Smith will make it 25-14 and the Bucks will never look back.

sidenote - any vBets as to how many TD's we, er, the Bucks go for two on?
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Whoever said alumni/fans don't risk harm to themselves... I can't speak for everyone, but that is a lie as a whole. Maybe even more than the team for some of us, especially those who travel. I'm certain there are players on the bench who consider themselves Buckeyes, do they not reserve the right to do so without playing time? What makes a Buckeye? Do you just have to practice? Is that enough harm risked? If so, I'd say those who have been spit on and hit with (insert random flying object) are putting themselves in harms way more than said individual player.

All that said, I am a Buckeye and I hope we crush the Badgers this Saturday. No ill will intended, just my two cents.

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