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Game Thread Wisconsin at tOSU, Sep 28th, 8 ET, ABC/ESPN/ESPN2

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some people on yahoo sports think that osu is gonna blow wis away that just isn't gonna happen .I don't know what to expect in way of scoring actually not sure if osu can stop wisconsins run not sure if wis can stop osu gonna be a hell of a game tho
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What do you know, ESPiN turds picking Wisconsin to beat tOSU. Fucking Mark May is such [Mark May]. I can't wait for Sat night.
How could you expect Mark May to pick OSU? I don't think I can remember him ever picking OSU in a game against a legitimate opponent. The new part is they have Brian Griese backing him up to add to the anti-OSU heel element. Can't remember the last time OSU lost a home night game - Texas?
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Haha sorry to ruin that for you...

One thing about all three of those games though. In each of them our qb situation was either unproven or in a dual system. Unlike this year were we have two great qbs that can perform well.
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