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Game Thread Wisconsin at tOSU, Sep 28th, 8 ET, ABC/ESPN/ESPN2

quote="Jaxbuck, post: 2382527, member: 105"]You guys are getting waaayyyy too worked up over this one.

THE Ohio State Buckeyes are going to come out and stone cold iron monkey fuck Wisconsin.[/quote]
Id take it... I personally feel gordon is too good to shut down and we win but just win ugly. Boy I would give almost anything for you to be right jax.
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It's they.
Why does anyone get pedantic about this? Do you really believe that the only people entitled to say "we" when referring to the football team are the 82 players on scholarship? As soon as a fan becomes part of the 100k+ in Ohio Stadium on a given Saturday, he or she helps create an atmosphere that can and does alter the outcome of the game.

If WE sleep on a team and fail to produce an electric atmosphere or fail to travel to Evanston in significant numbers (or vice versa, see the Cal game) It matters.

Banish the first person and you relegate the fan from active participant to passive observer. You sanction the passionless arm chair quarterback and empower the golf clapping alum who sits all game.

Sir, you may refer to the Buckeyes as "they", that is your right. I'll be civil and not call such detachment an affectation more befitting of a graduate of the school up north. :spitfire:
Fuck that. Paying $75 and hollering from a seat doesn't require sacrifice. No one calls out quiet golf clappers by name on primetime television after a loss. I can sell my Eddie autographed mini helmet and not have people here question my loyalty to tOSU. I didn't sweat, bleed, nor risk bodily harm by yelling, wether at The Shoe or at home.

Everyone actually involved with the team, from trainers to cheerleaders to walk-on scout teamers have paid a price to refer to the team as "we". I feel we, as fans, can play a minor role in the success of the Buckeyes, but WE should respect the people that actually sacrifice. They've earned that much at least.
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As soon as a fan becomes part of the 100k+ in Ohio Stadium on a given Saturday, he or she helps create an atmosphere that can and does alter the outcome of the game ..... If WE sleep on a team and fail to produce an electric atmosphere or fail to travel to Evanston in significant numbers (or vice versa, see the Cal game) It matters .... Banish the first person and you relegate the fan from active participant to passive observer.

Has it really been this long since Wiscy danced in the O or wherever:

The Badgers haven’t won at the Horseshoe since 2004

This is our shoe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We da man! No, we da man!

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It's they.

Fuck that. Paying $75 and hollering from a seat doesn't require sacrifice. No one calls out quiet golf clappers by name on primetime television after a loss. I can sell my Eddie autographed mini helmet and not have people here question my loyalty to tOSU. I didn't sweat, bleed, nor risk bodily harm by yelling, wether at The Shoe or at home.

Everyone actually involved with the team, from trainers to cheerleaders to walk-on scout teamers have paid a price to refer to the team as "we". I feel we, as fans, can play a minor role in the success of the Buckeyes, but WE should respect the people that actually sacrifice. They've earned that much at least.
And, I do believe this is the exact reason people have objected to the use of "we" in reference to the Buckeyes and it's also why I don't say "we" when referring to them. But, that said, it really is just a short hand was to say Ohio State. If I had my way, WE'D be nailing Jaxbuck. Goddamn is she hot. And foul mouthed. I think I'm gonna PM her pictures of me after a work out.
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First of all, can we please stop using 1st person pronouns when talking about the Buckeyes? It's not just you; this is a disease that has infected much of the board.

"Sleeping" on teams is your term. It implies that there is something about the opponent that caused the over confidence. This is seldom the case with the Bucks. The worst case of "failing to properly prepare" (my term) of the last decade was Glendale. That was the biggest no-show in OSU history. They did not sleep on Florida; but neither did they show up ready to play.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'll be brief. The issue here is not whether we broke a few rules, or took a few liberties with our female party guests—we did. But you can't hold a whole fandom responsible for the behavior of a few, sick perverted individuals. For if you do, then shouldn't we blame the whole system? And if the whole system is guilty, then isn't this an indictment of our educational institutions in general? I put it to you, DaddyBigBucks: isn't this an indictment of our entire American society? Well, you can do what you you want to us, but we're not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America. Gentlemen!
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