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Who would you rather play in the BCS Championship Game?

It will be LSU. There's really no question in my mind about it. All of the voters are going to mull their decision and rethink their order this evening much the same way they did last year. In the end, they'll rationalize that the SEC Champ deserves to be in - which does make sense given that apparently no one else in the country wants to be there.

Georgia may be playing extremely well, but two facts will kill them as the voters go over it all in their mind:

1. They got blown out by a Tennessee team no one can say is really any good..

2. They didn't win their conference.
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Bestbuck36;1014154; said:
WE'RE IN!!!!!!!!!

Really thats all that matters.

Personally I think playing Georgia would be the best of both worlds cause we'd get to kick some SEC ass on the way to a championship! Bring on the Dawgs!


Ah, Georgia... If not for a fluke loss to Florida in the '02 Cocktail Party, could THEY have opposed the Buckeyes in the Fiesta Bowl?
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starBUCKS;1014292; said:
Va Tech has a VERY realistic chance

exhawg;1014301; said:
I bet that will change with the NC on the line.
I think a lot of voters will re-evalutate their rankings to take into account the would-be #2 and #3 didn't even play for the conference championship, much less win it. Then they're going to look at LSU smoking VaTech this season. We could end up with tOSU #1 (or #2), with LSU, USC and Oklahoma slotting in behind them. Perhaps Kansas will get some love, but I doubt it.
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The Georgia fan s are going to be ticked, but it has to be LSU.

Georgia lost to Tenn by three TDs. They didn't win their Div. How can you put them ahead of another two loss team that went to OT in both losses?

As for who I want - once I realized what was happening I was rooting for a comeback by either WV or Missou.

LSU will be a much better team healthy. But they are still coached by Les Miles - and they may be without a DC.

Bring 'em on.
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exhawg;1014301; said:
I bet that will change with the NC on the line.

Agreed. You cannot put in a Virginia Tech team that got demolished by an equally qualified candidate.

I think the most legitimate teams are LSU, USC, and Oklahoma. LSU would be the best for us. From the national standpoint, their two losses were to good teams, each in triple overtime, and they played a tough schedule, both non-conference (beat ACC champ) and they are in the toughest conference in the country and won that conference. From the Ohio State standpoint, it gives us the shot to get the SEC monkey off our back and redeem last year's debacle.
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I think it will be LSU. VT no way getting in with 41 point loss to LSU I dont care at what point in the season it was. And Georgia didnt even make the SEC title game so I dont think you can put them ahead of LSU who won it. BRING ON THE SEC TEAM
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exhawg;1014247; said:
I want to play LSU. If we beat them nobody can dispute us.

bingo. I really hate how the SEC is considered so much better then the rest and how OSU has no chance against any SEC team cause of the florida/osu game. They can't stop the run and :osu: has WELLS bringing back another TITLE
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Well, our opinions mean squat. The voters do some crazy stuff so who knows. But with the constant media love of the SEC, it will be an SEC team. I have little doubt. Fortunately, I feel like because of what happened last year, JT will have the troops ready regardless. These boys will be greatful for another shot and hungry...oh so hungry.

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Bring on LSU. If we beat any other team the National Championship wouldn't be seen as credible as beating LSU.

If we play UGA we will get the "You guys beat a team that didn't even win their conference" I don't need that shit.
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nwarner21;1014354; said:
It doesn't matter that LSU beat VT, it's about the computer numbers not the scores/W-L's. I understand your point, but it's the BCS now, come on!

It would be great to play Hawaii!
The polls make up 2/3 of the BCS. The voters are allowed to change their rankings- and they will.
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