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Who would you rather play in the BCS Championship Game?

NJ-Buckeye;1015072; said:
When I mull over the possibilities... I keep coming up with the same thought...
whoever it is.. we better play 'lights out defense' that day


I think JT will have them Silver Bullets ready for whatever kind of offense, spread or not. The layoff just kicked our ass last year.
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bkochmc;1015060; said:
The system will be (more of) a joke if LSU jumps that many spots... at best they should be #5 (ahead of Missouri and West Virginia, behind Ohio State, Georgia, Kansas, and VT)... an argument can be for #4 ahead of VT since they beat them earlier this year. If the media, voters, etc. want the conference champion to be in the MNC game then why not vote them that way to begin with? Oklahoma, LSU, VT, and USC should all have been ahead of Georgia and Kansas going into yesterday then all of them should jump Missouri and West Virginia in today's polls. Any bets Georgia still ends up 4th ahead of conference champions Oklahoma and USC?

Well, that assumes that the data that last week was accurate. Yesterday's games added to that data. Given what took place on the field, I think you have to completely re-evaluate the rankings this week. It's not as simple as sliding up the teams that won/didn't lose. Personally, I think Oklahoma deserves another look considering one of their losses came with Bradford out. BTW, I am one of those who think Georgia and Kansas where too high in last weeks rankings.
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Here's how I feel about which team should play Ohio State:

If you go by who had the best season:

1. Hawaii (they won every game, nobody else can say that)

2. Kansas (one slip-up, to a Top 5 team, and that it, nobody else can say that...how come Kansas can't have one bad day, while other schools can have two)

3. Oklahoma (they did lose two games, and they try to blame the refs for one, but a lot of teams could do that about losses they have, including Ohio State, but as BCS conference champions, they had the best season in my opinion)

4. Louisiana State (Kentucky and Arkansas aren't that great, but both losses were in overtime, there was a time when they would have been 9-0-2 and probaby ranked #1)

5. Virginia Tech (Won the ACC, proved that their earlier game against BC in the bad weather was a fluke, they did lose badly to LSU, but that's why LSU is above them here)

6. Georgia (Who is to say they weren't the best team in the SEC? They only didn't get a chance to do that because of a tiebreaker)

7. Southern California (Not higher because they had two bad losses, lost to Stanford, and played a weak non conference schedule)

Now if you go by who would be the best team in the game, in other words who finished the season looking the best:

1. Oklahoma

2. Southern California

3. Georgia

4. Virginia Tech

5. Hawaii

6. Louisiana State

7. Kansas

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If there were some kind of series like baseball, I would say that Oklahoma and USC are probably the only two teams that I would favor above us. What that means or matters, I don't know. I am not even sure about OK, but I am willing to give them a measure of respect. USC is probably slightly better than the Bucks.

All of these teams are about equal. About 8 good teams with discernible weaknesses. Even a tournament is no guarantee of a great finish. 1996 UK-Syracuse (emphasis on the SU team) or 2001 Maryland-Indiana (college bb) come to mind. Sometimes there's just a champion by default. Most of the common fans don't remember it, and by no means are both teams "worthy" of being in the game.

Bring on LSU.
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JonathanXC;1015097; said:
Here's how I feel about which team should play Ohio State:

If you go by who had the best season:

1. Hawaii (they won every game, nobody else can say that)

2. Kansas (one slip-up, to a Top 5 team, and that it, nobody else can say that...how come Kansas can't have one bad day, while other schools can have two)

3. Oklahoma (they did lose two games, and they try to blame the refs for one, but a lot of teams could do that about losses they have, including Ohio State, but as BCS conference champions, they had the best season in my opinion)

4. Louisiana State (Kentucky and Arkansas aren't that great, but both losses were in overtime, there was a time when they would have been 9-0-2 and probaby ranked #1)

5. Virginia Tech (Won the ACC, proved that their earlier game against BC in the bad weather was a fluke, they did lose badly to LSU, but that's why LSU is above them here)

6. Georgia (Who is to say they weren't the best team in the SEC? They only didn't get a chance to do that because of a tiebreaker)

7. Southern California (Not higher because they had two bad losses, lost to Stanford, and played a weak non conference schedule)

Now if you go by who would be the best team in the game, in other words who finished the season looking the best:

1. Oklahoma

2. Southern California

3. Georgia

4. Virginia Tech

5. Hawaii

6. Louisiana State

7. Kansas


Good post. You also might want to figure "who would be better in January?" LSU is banged up right now, but with a month to heal, their healthy personnel would put them higher in my poll than they would be if I was assessing them today.
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I'd really like to play LSU. Last year, we had the lay-off but more importantly we were complacent. Week after week of awards, Smith was gone for something like a month on the Heisman tour. All the press about possibly the best team of all time, etc.

This year, we have something to prove. So much crap about the Big 10 and SEC. I'd really like to play an SEC team that is coached by "a Michigan man".

Miles claims he'd like to help TSUN beat "Ohio". I am reminded of the Muhammad Ali - Ernie Terrell fight: "What's my name? What's my name?"

I want LSU.
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I think LSU v OSU is the best match-up for the Big 10. SEC fans may want another team, I don't know. But for us Big 10 fans, I think this is the best team that we can play. The Big 10's reputation has been a little weak the last 5-8 years. If Ohio State pulls out a victory, I think the reputation of the Big 10 will be on the rise. I know our record is 0-8 against SEC teams as of late, but with a victory in the National Championship game, this should speak for itself.
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Nordberg;1021784; said:
I think LSU v OSU is the best match-up for the Big 10. SEC fans may want another team, I don't know. But for us Big 10 fans, I think this is the best team that we can play. The Big 10's reputation has been a little weak the last 5-8 years. If Ohio State pulls out a victory, I think the reputation of the Big 10 will be on the rise. I know our record is 0-8 against SEC teams as of late, but with a victory in the National Championship game, this should speak for itself.

I agree, a victory over LSU will shut all the tOSU haters up for a few seasons. What I meant in my post in all fairness, is that Hawaii is undefeated, it's just their strength of schedule keeps them out of the national championship game. But, it is what it is, so all we can do is run full speed ahead, crush their well known spread offense attacks, and undo some mistakes we've made over the past 12 months. I'm excited to see how well we do against a team like LSU!! I have no doubt in my mind we'll be flying home with the championship after Jan. 7th

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