BuckeyeMac;2155402; said:
What is it? I've never heard of that before
It's a tower defense game. The computer sends out waves of different attackers at you from different paths (depending on the level) and you have to build towers that destroy them at certain spots to stop them from getting to your home base. It's real cheap too, I think I only spend like $12 on both the original and expansion. You get coins from destroying enemies to build more towers and eggs to collect for tower upgrades. Just your average tower defense game I guess, but, it's very addicting.
It's pretty simple, but it can get difficult at times. One & two player as well.
Here's an example of a level:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZg-rf3Fomc&feature=plcp"]PixelJunk Monsters Trophy Challenge 2 "Scrooge" with Rainbow - Part 1/2 - YouTube[/ame]
This guy is doing a trophy challenge & not a level itself, but, it's the same idea. You can stand on your towers to upgrade them & there's a variety of ground & air attackers, but you have a plethora of towers to combat these. This guy is just collecting an absurd of amount of coins because that's part of the trophy challenge on that level so you would be spending all those coins on more towers in the regular game itself. You can pass levels if you let a few attackers get by, but, you won't beat the game until you've beaten every level with letting no attackers through, including the last wave boss.