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West Virginia/JUCO/C.W. Post/Kean RB Jason Gwaltney (official thread)


Three more commit: Among the others committing along with Thomas was highly regarded tailback Jason Gwaltney.

Gwaltney (6-foot, 234 pounds), who played at North Babylon High in Long Island, N.Y., originally committed to West Virginia but that was because the Mountaineers were the first school to offer a scholarship. He made his official visit to USC the past three days.

He's rated the 29th-best player in the nation by Rivals.com.
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How official is this anyway? Sorry I just can't believe this yet. I thought Gwaltney was going to announce after his official at West Virginia? But how often does a group of players in a public restaurant stand up and commit to the college?

Sorry, this sounds like a player swept up in the emotion of a crowd and went along with the group. Were his parents there? I just want to hold out for a few days to see if there is a local article from his hometown that announces that he has commited with a quote from him. Maybe after getting back home with his parents he might have another change of heart. Afterall, he has changed his mind once, I am still going to hold out hope he will change his mind one more time.

Hey, It's Xmas... I can pray for miracles can't I? :biggrin:
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If every word that has been reported out of California is true -- the standing up at dinner, the West Coast recruiting expert reports, etc. -- all we know for sure is that Gwaltney has committed to two different major universities so far this year ...and it ain't even the middle of December yet.

That gives him six weeks to commit somewhere else -- or even a couple of somewhere elses.
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According to gwaltny he didnt commit, but usc did pass osu as the place that would most likely make him reconsider. He did say that he is still a soft commit to wvu and will announce at the AA game. He still has his wvu official to go in January.

Maybe the trojan fans got a little overzealous?

I would laugh if JG chose WVU Stewert Wazzu and Wells OSU with lucky staying at NU.
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Three more commit: Among the others committing along with Thomas was highly regarded tailback Jason Gwaltney.

Gwaltney (6-foot, 234 pounds), who played at North Babylon High in Long Island, N.Y., originally committed to West Virginia but that was because the Mountaineers were the first school to offer a scholarship. He made his official visit to USC the past three days.

He's rated the 29th-best player in the nation by Rivals.com.
The last few years, towards the end of the season I start to forget why I hate USC. Then these crazy recruiting stories come along...we get screwed and I remember again. USCum strikes again?
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Piney said:
But how often does a group of players in a public restaurant stand up and commit to the college?
Obviously USC runs a top-notch visit, but these "standing up" to announce verbals to USC keep rising to the surface. It sounds like this routine is built into their visit, and the recruits verbal based on a mixture between emotional response (visit is great and recruit could truly see themselves there) and peer pressure (everyone is standing up to announce a verbal). The informed decision will come when they with down with their parents/family to thoroughly discuss things. Would be curious to know how often those "verbals" stick. 60%, 80%, 100%?

Regardless, I think the quotes two to three weeks after the visit are more important. Of course, the only date that truly matters is signing day.
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