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West Virginia/JUCO/C.W. Post/Kean RB Jason Gwaltney (official thread)


There are some rumors developing on the USC boards that Gwaltney committed on his visit tonight. It appears to stem from the post below from the USC Insiders board. Who knows what is true and what isn't. I thought I should post it over here because it appears to have migrated to another tOSU board. Let's realize that these are just rumors that stem from an unknown poster. It may very well prove to be true but let's wait to see how it plays out. I am sure more info will come out soon enough.


Registered User
Posts: 348
(12/11/04 8:31:57 pm)
Reply Carroll & Chow were at the Papadakis Taverna with
a bunch of recruits. Averill Spicer, Kevin Thomas, Will Harris and Jason Gwaltney all stood up and verbaled at the restaurant. It was pretty awesome seeing John Papadakis do his tribute to USC in front of the recruits. Sam Cunningham, Marlin McKeever and Jim O'Bradovich were all there having dinner as well.
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Buckskin86 said:
There are some rumors developing on the USC boards that Gwaltney committed on his visit tonight. It appears to stem from the post below from the USC Insiders board. Who knows what is true and what isn't. I thought I should post it over here because it appears to have migrated to another tOSU board. Let's realize that these are just rumors that stem from an unknown poster. It may very well prove to be true but let's wait to see how it plays out. I am sure more info will come out soon enough.

I wouldn't put a whole lot of stock into it. I did some research, and Gwaltney's supposed to be visiting next week. Averill Spicer is visiting USC in January, Kevin Thomas is at Arizona this weekend and went to USC last weekend, and only Will Harris was supposed to be visiting this weekend. He also says he won't be making a decision until January 2nd. Sure, they could have all changed, but I think it's kind of funny that all 3 guys would be scheduled for other weeks, and then all change without anyone hearing about it. Especially Thomas, who already should have visited.. if he didn't, wouldn't we hear something about it? Officials are not easy things to schedule, and generally can't just be moved on a whim. I smell a little BS.
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"Averill Spicer, Kevin Thomas, Will Harris and Jason Gwaltney all stood up and verbaled at the restaurant."

I had to use two cans of Glade to spray the smell of bull off of my monitor. Since when does a group of recruits all verbal publicly at once in a restaurant?
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blurb in WVU paper today with a quote from Jason on Friday

Mountaineers fans might have heard whispers that ace 2005 recruit Jason Gwaltney is considering reneging on his commitment. One recruiting service doesn’t recognize the commitment and lists five schools — WVU, Central Florida, Michigan, Ohio State and USC — as possibilities for the back.

“I’m still committed to West Virginia,’’ Gwaltney said when reached Friday. “I went to Ohio State and USC. I’ll visit West Virginia in January.’’

He said he also visited Central Florida last week.

So, Gwaltney was asked again, the commitment is firm?

“Unless I see something otherwise,’’ he replied.
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WVU and the Big East. If he ends up there I will NEVER understand it.

I'm a broken record here, and I know that his half brother or whatever is going there, but he will be wallowing in mediocrity in that joke of a conference.
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