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West Virginia/JUCO/C.W. Post/Kean RB Jason Gwaltney (official thread)

osugrad21 said:
I love that attitude. A competitor wants to get on the field any way they can.

I agree. I suppose we'll see how bad he really wants to be a Trojan. Can't knock a kid for wanting to choose the best situation for himself and clearly Ohio State presents the better chance to play right away. While I'd love every future recruit to bleed scarlet and gray I realize these players are thinking of themselves and their future.
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I have no problem with a kid wanting to play as a freshman. If he is good enough he should get to play and will in JT's system. A freshman expecting to start as a freshman on the other hand is a little absurd. I know he hasn't said anything like that but in college every player on the team was the best on their high school teams and someone will inevitably have to sit some.
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He just sounds like an 18 year old young man who is getting overwhelmed with the constant intrusions that go along with recruiting, as well as the confusion that may accompany listening to all of the recruiters. It must be very difficult to handle.

I'd love for him to come to Columbus.
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There's no doubt that he would sit for a year and probably more at USC.

I bet that's not what they are telling him though.

This one may turn out to be more interesting than I thought.

He's not going to WVU. If he wants to play in big games WVU is OUT.
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BGriffBuckeye said:
Seems as if USC may be out of it. Looks like tOSU and WVU are going to battle it out at the end. I hope he realizes that LenDale White will be there for at least 2 years as well. I can't imagine him leaving with Bush. He will haev a year as athe feature back (unless Gwaltney were to pass him) and then Gwaltney would take over full time.
USC also has Hershal Dennis who I believe is only a sophmore also. This sounds like it is just heating up.
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Is Hershel Dennis still on the team? He had some serious charges dropped on him last summer.

The story i got was that the sexual assult charges came from a pissed off ex and she never filed charges. He spoke very highly of Dennis and I trust this person's opinion.

So as far as I know nothing came of it and it sounds likely that he will keep his nose clean and compete with Jason, should he make the mistake of signing with SC.
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Hansen Award winner
North Babylon, Running Back, Senior
He is the only player to garner the Carl A. Hansen Award in two seasons and the the second player to earn All-Long Island status in three seasons. He earned his second Hansen trophy after he led the Bulldogs to the Class II Long Island title with a 43-14 win over Garden City. He scored 45 touchdowns and rushed for 2,882 yards on 358 carries this season, scoring 282 points. Gwaltney holds LI records for touchdowns (135), yards rushing (7,800), carries (948) and points (828) in a career.

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Seems as if USC may be out of it. Looks like tOSU and WVU are going to battle it out at the end. I hope he realizes that LenDale White will be there for at least 2 years as well. I can't imagine him leaving with Bush. He will haev a year as athe feature back (unless Gwaltney were to pass him) and then Gwaltney would take over full time.
hold on there. lets not jump to conclusions just because he said he wants to play early. there are other factors working here so USC is certainly not out of it.
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From looking through the Rivals and Scout data bases it appears Stuart the big back on the west coast has SC in his top two. This would have to affect what Jason thinks as well. Not to beat the #1 guy, silent verbal stuff but.....
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stowfan said:
From looking through the Rivals and Scout data bases it appears Stuart the big back on the west coast has SC in his top two. This would have to affect what Jason thinks as well. Not to beat the #1 guy, silent verbal stuff but.....
Stewart doesn't have the grades so I believe they are pursuing Gwaltney harder than him.
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bucknuts44820 said:
Who knows what is going on with this kid, he will be a last minute decision...his whole recruitment reminds me of a few kids from last year.
Yeah he will probably make a last minute decision, but this kid really sounds like he is torn between the schools. I mean what 18 yr. old kid wouldnt liked to be wined and dined. That is why these kids always have such great things to say after their visits. Lets just wait and see what happens. As for the Fred Davis thing, it ain't like that because everyone around here thought he was coming to tOSU for sure.
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