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West Virginia/JUCO/C.W. Post/Kean RB Jason Gwaltney (official thread)

i find it hard to believe that gwaltny would decommit from wvu only to recommit there later. but stranger things have happened.

perhaps after going to usc and osu, wvu will be less impressive this time around.

i will say that an osu/wvu battle is better than an osu/usc battle.
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Maybe, just maybe, things are starting to swing our way! This will, go down to the wire!

I want to be optamistic about him too, but that update was a joke, it wasn't based on anything Jason said, it was by someone looking through mountainer glasses.

I want him bad, but I would say usc is still very much in this. Sorry to be the messanger.
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According to Helawagen's chat today, Maurice Wells and Jason Gwaltney have had some phone conversations together about the speed back and power back combination package deal in college.. Probably won't happen, but how awesome would that be?!?!?!
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I wonder how much of a bump the Alamo Bowl provides for our recruiting?
It didn't matter what position someone plays it all looked like great fun last night if you were wearing Scarlet an Gray. Give us a couple of big time running backs and we may well win it all next year.
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casey_buckeye said:
According to Helawagen's chat today, Maurice Wells and Jason Gwaltney have had some phone conversations together about the speed back and power back combination package deal in college.. Probably won't happen, but how awesome would that be?!?!?!
Don't get your hopes up...I wouldn't be one bit surprised if Gwaltney is trying to recruit M. Wells to SCum-West and not OSU. All signs have pointed to Gwaltney being a SCum-West commit ("silent verbal"?) so there's no reason to think he's suddenly had a change of heart and wants to play for us. The only reason it isn't official is so that he can create some excitement before he announces. Pete Carroll's recruits have developed a pattern of influencing other top recruits to play in South Central.
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What signs are you talking about scUMbuster?

If you read the updates, all signs point to an OSU / WVU battle for Gwaltney.

One of Gwaltney's criteria is that he wants to play in big games. WVU doesn't play in big games. Another criteria is that he wants early playing time. He won't get that at USC. I doubt that Gwaltney (if early playing time is a priority) would be trying to sway another running back to a team that already has a stable of running backs (including a Heisman finalist). Wells selling OSU to Gwaltney is a more likely scenario.

I think that OSU is doing better with Gwaltney that people are giving them credit for. He might not come here, but I honestly believe that it's between WVU and OSU right now.
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bnuts premium

Pretty positive update

It does appear he will be visiting WVU this weekend. After this visit he will sit down and make a decision about what is best for him.

Even though he did commit to USC, he now knows he can get earlier playing time at tOSU and WVU. He pointed out Petersen's early impact at OU. He thinks he can be an early contributor.

He watched and was impressed with the Buckeye Alamo victory. It was clear to him the opportunity he has with the Buckeyes. He will have a chance to play early on a very good team. He understands he would be behind Lendale White and Reggie Bush at USC and it seems like waiting a year might not be acceptable to him.

Even though he may know his decision before the AA game he might wait to announce on ESPN. He says this would happen before Feb. 2nd signing day.

Gwaltney has been in contact with Wells about a potential "thunder and lightening" idea. They are both considering this idea.
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