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West Virginia/JUCO/C.W. Post/Kean RB Jason Gwaltney (official thread)

I am really anxious to see where Gwaltney decides. After the AAA game we should definitely have a clearer picture. When he makes his commitment there, I am sure he will have it decided once and for all and will come out in various reports to make it a solid one this time. He would have then taken all his visits and had time to sit and talk it over with his family. Gwaltney seems to be a very well-spoken young man who knows the pros/cons of each school he has to choose from. He definitely has a hard decision to make, no doubt, one that will affect his future. You just have to stand by the kid and make sure he makes the right one. If he does choose tOSU and comes aboard.... we fans will welcome him with open arms and will be just as anxious to see him perform. However, if he does decide elsewhere, you just have to respect his decision and move on... but still root for him (unless, of course, he plays us :)). January 15th could be a very special day for us.
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BGriffBuckeye said:
January 15th could be a very special day for us.

Yesterday's Kurelic update made it unclear whether he would announce at the AA game. In that update he says he will visit WVU sometime in January and then announce on ESPN at the end of January (the AA game is on NBC on the 15th). It could be that he was just confused and meant to say the AA game. Just wanted to give everyone a heads up that it might not happen then.
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if gwaltny does drag it out, it could benefit osu. stewert could commit to usc in that time frame, which could push gwaltny more towards osu.

i'm sure petey would try to have stewert keep it quiet if this did happen so he could snare them both.
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osubuckeyes2731 said:
Maybe Gwaltney is waiting to see what all the other backs[Stewart, Wells] do at the AA game and then decide...of course I am probably wrong but who really knows.
Well I believe he would know that Stewart is probably not going to USC and is not coming here, and I would really like he and Wells to strike up a friendship b/c they will be on the same team, and go through practice with the rb. It could very easily happen, and then decide that tOSU is the place for them. Also Big Alex Boone could show them how good he blocks for them and they could want to run behind him.
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I hope someone tells Jason about Chauncey Washington. Chauncey started as a true freshman at USC ahead of Bush and White until he got hurt. He's out of school this year and off the roster but he is coming back next season and will have at least three years of eligibility left.
Also in addition to Bush, White, and Dennis the Trojans will welcome back Desmond Reed, who was something of a breakout star the second half of this season.
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crazybuckeye said:
I hope someone tells Jason about Chauncey Washington. Chauncey started as a true freshman at USC ahead of Bush and White until he got hurt. He's out of school this year and off the roster but he is coming back next season and will have at least three years of eligibility left.
Also in addition to Bush, White, and Dennis the Trojans will welcome back Desmond Reed, who was something of a breakout star the second half of this season.
dang they are loaded at rb. my guess is they would try and make him a fb.
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All the credit to USC... they have brought in so extreme talent down there. They can lose 2 starters at RB and still have the bank full. They are like Miami in the early 90's. If depth is not a factor he is trojon bound, if it is we have a shot.
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I have never liked usc, one of the first bowl experiences I remember as a kid was the 84 or 85 Rose Bowl.. sorry do not feel like checking. It looked like OSU was druged that game. I remember it was played on a Thursday night and even as a kid asking if this is such a big bowl why do they get to play at home?

Anyway, their staff has done a great job, we joke all the time about being Petey's number 1 guy but he has brought the talent to back up his words...
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craigblitz said:
I have never liked usc, one of the first bowl experiences I remember as a kid was the 84 or 85 Rose Bowl.. sorry do not feel like checking. It looked like OSU was druged that game. I remember it was played on a Thursday night and even as a kid asking if this is such a big bowl why do they get to play at home?

Anyway, their staff has done a great job, we joke all the time about being Petey's number 1 guy but he has brought the talent to back up his words...
I agree, they have done a good job. Although, it won't last much longer when either Carrol leaves for another job or the players stop respecting Petie the friend/coach.
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Well if he was going to stay with WVU why would he decommit. I am sure that is not what you want to do to make the coaches happy. I know WVU would still take him, but they just picked up Collington and they have a lot of good backs on their roster. Also Gwaltney wants to play for a contender and WVU is not. Also USC is clear across country and they are loaded at tb.
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