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West Virginia/JUCO/C.W. Post/Kean RB Jason Gwaltney (official thread)

it may be advantageous to osu if gwaltny does announce at the AA game instead of waiting. if he waits, and coaches get in home visits, petey may work some of his magic.

of course the flip side is deciding immediately after his wvu visit may be problematic.

either way, this update makes it appear osu at least has a chance.
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I have been struck by how many so-called experts accept as gospel that Gwaltney is going to USCum. "Don't get your hopes up. He's a USCum lock!", simply because of the reports that he committed while out there.

I have no doubt at all that he 'committed' while he was out there, at the famous stand-up-for-USCum dinner. I also have no doubt that he committed to WVU too. Why believe one is valid when the other is obviously not?

The only 'commitment' that counts is the one he signs in February. If you look soley at what is best for Gwaltney's career -- collegiate and professional -- tOSU makes a ton of sense for him. TOSU wants a big back [even had one win the Heisman a few years ago]; Columbus is closer to home than USCum but not significantly further away than WVU; he'd get tons of media exposure in 'big games'; and he'd likely play right away.

No brainer, Jason. Rock the world and announce with Mo Wells at the Army AA game!
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MegaWoody said:
I have no doubt at all that he 'committed' while he was out there, at the famous stand-up-for-USCum dinner. I also have no doubt that he committed to WVU too. Why believe one is valid when the other is obviously not?
...because at the beginning of the season every 4* & 5* player in the country silently commits to the Trojans. USC coaches then pick the which ones they want.

Geez don't you read the USC boards?!

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MegaWoody said:
I have been struck by how many so-called experts accept as gospel that Gwaltney is going to USCum. "Don't get your hopes up. He's a USCum lock!", simply because of the reports that he committed while out there.
All of the pieces fell into place immediately after his visit...it was not a huge reach to assume he was a USC lock. However, as kids are oft to do, he had a change of heart...

As for the experts, they are still split...some say he is still locked while others say USC is all but eliminated
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If Jason wants to play in big games, then WVU is out of the picture no matter what he says. If that is truly one of the criteria then WVU loses.

They play the likes of Central Florida, East Carolina, Rutgers, UCONN, Temple, and Pitt. The Big East is going to be out of the BCS in a few years (if not next year) and that will be it.

It's not like WVU is going to be better next year either. They lose 3 O linemen along with their 2 best receivers and their QB. They might not win 5 games (although it is the Big East).

Jason can come in and contribute right away to a National Championship contender. While Pittman and Haw will have the advantage, if Jason isn't afraid of the competition then tOSU is the only school that makes sense.
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If I have to go with my gut feeling, I would still say USC. He makes sense for their offense, believe it or not. USC needs a Lendale White type of bruiser who can keep the defense off balance to complements its finess passing scheme. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
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wstripes said:
Gwaltney has committed to all three schools....SC is Very confident he's coming...but like Grad said, anyone can have a change of heart....
Stripes told me about the triple commitment over a month ago so it is legit info and not sour grapes before anyone makes that connection.

BTW, good to see you around Stripes...
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I'm all in for Oklahoma tomorrow night. Let's hope they give Petey a black-eye and muss up his Golden Boy image a little. That might be enough to tip Jason's scales.

Or perhaps Stoops could make sure it leaks from Youngstown that Petey's off to the 49ers after the Orange Bowl.
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