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West Virginia/JUCO/C.W. Post/Kean RB Jason Gwaltney (official thread)

doubleEbuck said:
don't know what you mean? did JG specifically commit b/c of chow? or is this just a generalization?

it is a guess i suppose. gwaltny said that usc was ahead of osu because of their coaching staff. the next logical assumption is that if the staff that he admires so much is all gone, that the advantage usc had in that area will be minimized.

the problem is that any changes may not come before 1/15.

Ed O leaving already gave osu some help with ashley, so i guess thats all we could ask for.
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Gwaltney better have a feel for what Reggie Bush is doing because if he thinks he's going to take away from Reggie's carries, he's dreaming... When Reggie misses out on the Heisman to Ginn next year, he may want to stay on his senior year...
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So, Gwaltney visited scUM-St this weekend, and still has an in-home with JT coming.

I know he stood up at the LA restaurant and supposedly verballed to USC during this peer pressure situation, but might we still have a chance with this guy?
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Rivals premium

He is starting to understand the high's and lows of official visits. So MSU is not his new favorite even though he had a good visit (he called it his best visit). USC, tOSU and WVU are still the favorites.

He said that after the USC visit he started thinking more about tOSU and how he could start right away in big games. He said the one year sitting on the USC bench would kill him.

Kurlelic premium

He will visit WVU sometime in January and then announce on ESPN- sounds like he will not announce at the AA game.

Coach Tressel will have his in-home in January.
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1 year on the bench would kill him? whats with these kids? take a red shirt and learn the system in and out if you arent needed right away.

(although at USC it would probably be more than 1 year on the bench with their studs)
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He said the one year sitting on the USC bench would kill him.
Seems as if USC may be out of it. Looks like tOSU and WVU are going to battle it out at the end. I hope he realizes that LenDale White will be there for at least 2 years as well. I can't imagine him leaving with Bush. He will haev a year as athe feature back (unless Gwaltney were to pass him) and then Gwaltney would take over full time.
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