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U.S. Men's National Soccer (Official Thread)

DaBears;1961081; said:
Gulati should be on the copping block next

If he successfully lobbies for a re-vote for the 2022 World Cup after bin Hammam's thing, I'd say he stays.

But since there's no chance in hell that happens, could care less if he stays or goes.

The merchandise or cash has already changed hands for that deal (Qatar 2022).
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zwem;1961070; said:
Who would play the CDM? I guess it would be either Jones or Holden. Another problem is we just lack a decent striker. Dempsey is more of a Centre Forward. Our biggest problem is the back 4. That has to get fixed.

Maurice Edu?

My understanding is that he and Jones are more defensive-minded players, while Holden is more of an attacking mid.

Whether you are talking CDM or the back line, I think Edu has to figure into that discussion somewhere. In my IMO, the failure to get him on the pitch was one Bradley's biggest recurring failures over the last two summers.
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jlb1705;1961091; said:
Maurice Edu?

My understanding is that he and Jones are more defensive-minded players, while Holden is more of an attacking mid.

Whether you are talking CDM or the back line, I think Edu has to figure into that discussion somewhere. In my IMO, the failure to get him on the pitch was one Bradley's biggest recurring failures over the last two summers.

I think Holden is versatile enough to play as a holding midfielder.

Or if a they stick with a 4-2-3-1. It could be Jones and Edu as the CDMS and move Holden up to Central Midfielder attacting role with Donovan out to the side.
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zwem;1961096; said:
I think Holden is versatile enough to play as a holding midfielder.

Perhaps that's true. I'll state it another way... I'd prefer Holden in an attacking role. He seems to possess creativity and quickness of thought that few other American players have right now.
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Something else any new man can do: give everyone a clean slate and perhaps add an extra dosing of passion and fight, while stripping away a creeping hint of complacency among some individuals. As the U.S. side has gotten more technically proficient, it may have lost some of its former identity as a bunch of stubborn, never-quit clock-punchers.

And the new boss may revive a few national team careers. Bobby Convey, for instance, has long been on the outs after making some less-than-flattering remarks about the program. Freddy Adu's ongoing audition may be a little longer now compared to what it might have been under Bradley, who surely would be less tolerant of any lapses back into immaturity. A new coach, who hasn't dealt with the "old Freddy" might have more patience. (And he might have fresh ideas on how to use Adu.) Jose Torres, a playmaker who never fit Bradley's style and seemed to lose the coach's trust, could get a fresh audition (assuming he can get some quality minutes at his club).

On the other side, a few players who never lost Bradley's trust will surely be standing outside the velvet ropes when a less partial observer reviews the video. Jonathan Bornstein can't like his chances. Altidore will certainly need to polish his game when a coach begins rotating potential strikers through the inspection stations.

First order of business for the new manager as far as I'm concerned is to tell Bornstein that he will never wear the US shirt again.
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If Klinsmann is the coach (named later today), I call at least 10 people who will show up to the Mexico friendly in Bavarian Lederhosen.

On the other hand, these people may have worn this to the game regardless of who the coach was.

Official U.S. Soccer steins? Budweiser already is a sponsor.
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I've never understood why Edu got lost in the shuffle. Whoever the next coach is, we need to stop playing these veterans who aren't going to help us later in the cycle. Play the young players, see what you have, and tell Bornstein he's not even allowed in camp.
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The USSF is a fucking embarrassment for this. First of all, it's completely unprofessional to commit to a guy for four years, then blindside him by firing him after less than one year, before he's coached a single meaningful game (and no, CONCALAFF's mickey mouse tournament doesn't count.) Then they make matters work by hiring this joker. You know, if they liked his fantastical ideas for reforming our youth system, that would be one thing... give him some sort of directorial job. But for god's sake, keep him the HELL away from the field, the man is a tactical novice. I watched the guy while he coached Bayern... utterly clueless.
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TDG;1961505; said:
The USSF is a [censored]ing embarrassment for this. First of all, it's completely unprofessional to commit to a guy for four years, then blindside him by firing him after less than one year, before he's coached a single meaningful game (and no, CONCALAFF's mickey mouse tournament doesn't count.) Then they make matters work by hiring this joker. You know, if they liked his fantastical ideas for reforming our youth system, that would be one thing... give him some sort of directorial job. But for god's sake, keep him the HELL away from the field, the man is a tactical novice. I watched the guy while he coached Bayern... utterly clueless.

How would you haqve handled this? Who would you have hired? I'm not trying to be a smart ass, I'd really like to hear alternatives.

I don't care about professionalism from the USSF as much as I care about results, and that was a mickey mouse performance that he led in that mickey mouse tournament. I would have a hard time being convinced that retaining Bradley was a smart decision, and I'd rather see them take corrective action after the fact that wait for the "proper" time as the program stagnates.
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TDG;1961505; said:
The USSF is a [censored]ing embarrassment for this. First of all, it's completely unprofessional to commit to a guy for four years, then blindside him by firing him after less than one year, before he's coached a single meaningful game (and no, CONCALAFF's mickey mouse tournament doesn't count.) Then they make matters work by hiring this joker. You know, if they liked his fantastical ideas for reforming our youth system, that would be one thing... give him some sort of directorial job. But for god's sake, keep him the HELL away from the field, the man is a tactical novice. I watched the guy while he coached Bayern... utterly clueless.

Why would we keep a coach around who struggles to keep the US in the top 30 in world rankings, and struggles to win said "Mickey Mouse Tournament"??? I'm all for the move. The USMNT needs a fresh start, a fresh face, revamped roster, and better formations. We wouldn't have gotten any of the above with Bradley.

I'm excited to see Charlie Davies progression back into the national team, he's a real talent.
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I wouldn't have fired Bradley. I think that all throughout his career as coach we've put in good performances when it's mattered, and been unimpressive otherwise. People were calling for his head after the first few qualifiers, but we finished strong and ended up qualifying comfortably. People were pissed after the first two games of the Confed Cup, and that ended up being a great success. People questioned him after we dropped the Gold Cup to Mexico 5-0, and then a year later we won our World Cup group for the first time in our history. Yeah, this Gold Cup didn't have a great ending, but we're at the start of a messy rebuilding period that I think will end up yielding a few bad results whether our coach is Bradley or Mourinho. But Bob knows the players, he knows the system, he gets the strategy, and he's a good tactician. I honestly would have trusted him to guide us through this next cycle.

As for who I'd have hired, it depends on the money situation. Luring Hiddink from Turkey would have been my first choice, I think. Most of the other names being tossed around are pretty horrible. An Italian manager (Lippi/Ancelotti) would actually fit our squad nicely, but they're both likely too expensive and if people thought Bob's play-style was too defensive, they'd probably commit seppuku with an Italian at the helm.
TooTallMenardo;1961546; said:
Why would we keep a coach around who struggles to keep the US in the top 30 in world rankings, and struggles to win said "Mickey Mouse Tournament"??? I'm all for the move. The USMNT needs a fresh start, a fresh face, revamped roster, and better formations. We wouldn't have gotten any of the above with Bradley.

I'm excited to see Charlie Davies progression back into the national team, he's a real talent.
Sorry, but who gives a shit about the FIFA rankings? They are absolutely meaningless and well-known in the soccer world for being a complete joke. You know that we were ranked #4 in the world before the 2006 World Cup? The one we didn't win a game in? Hey, maybe we should rehire Arena.

And who cares if we didn't win CONCACAF's joke of a money grab tournament? We're in a transitional period, we had very bad injuries, and Mexico are resurgent right now. Lose the Gold Cup now, easily qualify later, and I'm happy.

And what's wrong with Bradley's player selection and formation choices? To me he was doing his best with some slim pickings. Ultimately I think we need to acknowledge that the US talent pool has almost no depth, and in some positions (FB and striker) no talent, and no coach is going to be able to change that, only try to minimize the damage.
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