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2025 TX CB Dorian Brew (Oregon Verbal)

MD Buckeye

BP Soft Verbal
Staff member
BP Recruiting Team
Former BPCFFB II Champ
Former FF League III Champ
Site Supporter: VIP
247 Profile
Rivals Profile


Conroe, TX Conroe
Ht: 6'2"
Wt: 185 lbs
Class: 2025 (High School)

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here's another highly rated Ohio kid that does not hold an OSU offer. I know there are some bigger fish out there at the position, but I want a fish that wants to be a Buckeye and who is going to stick around not jump ship. If the coaches feel he's all Buckeye, and can add to the room, he needs to have an offer. Doesn't mean you still can't go after the bigger fish, but these are the types of kids the Bucks still need to recruit to enhance their roster in this NIL/Transfer Portal world we now live in.
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Who ran track for OSU?
Jesse Owens

Ohio State University
Owens attended the Ohio State University after his father found employment, which ensured that the family could be supported.[12] Affectionately known as the "Buckeye Bullet" and under the coaching of Larry Snyder, Owens won a record eight individual NCAA championships, four each in 1935 and 1936.[5] (The record of four gold medals at the NCAA was equaled only by Xavier Carter in 2006, although his many titles also included relay medals).[13] Though Owens enjoyed athletic success, he had to live off campus with other African-American athletes. When he traveled with the team, Owens was restricted to ordering carry-out or eating at "blacks-only" restaurants. Similarly, he had to stay at "blacks-only" hotels. Owens did not receive a scholarship for his efforts, so he continued to work part-time jobs to pay for school.
Jesse Owens - Wikipedia
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here's another highly rated Ohio kid that does not hold an OSU offer. I know there are some bigger fish out there at the position, but I want a fish that wants to be a Buckeye and who is going to stick around not jump ship. If the coaches feel he's all Buckeye, and can add to the room, he needs to have an offer. Doesn't mean you still can't go after the bigger fish, but these are the types of kids the Bucks still need to recruit to enhance their roster in this NIL/Transfer Portal world we now live in.

Isn’t he a ‘25? I’m sure that he may be high in that list, but I suspect that the coaches are focused on ‘24 right now.

… and yes, I know that Henry is ‘26. I presume he’s in line early for the ‘25s.
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Isn’t he a ‘25? I’m sure that he may be high in that list, but I suspect that the coaches are focused on ‘24 right now.

… and yes, I know that Henry is ‘26. I presume he’s in line early for the ‘25s.

I hear ya, but if he’s projected as top 15 @ his position, he’s going to project as a top 100 talent… so why slow play it? Identify the top in-state talent and go after them early. Don’t let ND get such a leg up or the perception that OSU slow-plays in-state talent creep into his mind.
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