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2025 TX CB Dorian Brew (Oregon Verbal)

He backed out of his silent commitment to OSU twice. The second and final time he went for the biggest bag at the 11th hour. None of the Oregon insiders had them as the pick. Recently one of their guys even went on a frustrated rant, basically saying Brew would be a fool to go be CB3 at OSU when the Buckeyes were the perceived favorite. He got his wish. Time to move on.
Geesh, this is why 'Crootin be 'Crootin sometimes. He either switched his pick right at the last minute, or had the entire camp that knew his recruitment fooled. I wouldn't count out a flip on this one later on, but if this sticks then so be it I guess. But we have to keep Sanchez and Offord to make this not a significant blow at the CB position.
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Geesh, this is why 'Crootin be 'Crootin sometimes. He either switched his pick right at the last minute, or had the entire camp that knew his recruitment fooled. I wouldn't count out a flip on this one later on, but if this sticks then so be it I guess. But we have to keep Sanchez and Offord to make this not a significant blow at the CB position.
Based on what somebody “close” to his recruitment has been posting over on 11W, there’s been a lot of deliberate misdirection in this recruitment. So I have no doubt people in his camp were surprised. I agree with you. Do everything necessary to keep Offord and Sanchez in the class and they’ll be fine. They didn’t NEED Brew. He was the carbon fiber trim on a Lambo Aventador.
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