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ttun basketball (Juwan out, Dusty May in)

CWood2;1890843; said:
The bell is about to ring for my next class so I have to go now but before I do I just want to let everyone know I love sucking balls. I really do, I feel on top of the world for finally coming to grips with it and putting it out there for everyone to know. You hear me world!? I AM A MICHIGAN FAN AND I LOVE SUCKING BALLS!!

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Well we made it to the dance and a better seed than I expected. For a team that is the youngest in the Big Ten, MI did a pretty good job.

Good luck to all, I have Big Ten school winning it all in my bracket, don't let me down!!!!
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BuckeyeMike80;1890835; said:
Oden and Conley > The "Fab Five"

Don't leave out Daequan Cook, David Lighty and Othello Hunter. The full Thad Five > > > Fab Five.

I'll also take Evan Turner, Jon Diebler, Dallas Lauderdale and Kosta Koufos over the Fab Five.

And as Kyle mentioned, Lucas and Havilcek by themselves are greater than any Michigan recruit or player EVER, not to mention their Freshman class also contained a third starter (Mel Nowell) and a reserve named Robert Montgomery Knight.

So, if the "Fab Five" were an OSU recruiting class, we wouldn't even have them in our top three. Enjoy your vacated history. :lol:
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CWood2;1890834; said:
Oh I was able to comprehend everything clearly. Oh St never had a class like UM did that year. As much as you might not like it, that class did have a HUGE influence on the college b-ball scene & pop culture. Please tell me what Oh St b-ball team would even be worthy of a ducumentary? What Oh St b-ball team had a huge influence on the sport as well as pop culture?

Again as I pointed out, Oh St gets #1 seeds or #1 rankings & are hyped up etc, but have won the same amount of titles. That's my point. Maybe before someone goes around blabbing their gums should sit back & comprehend what I'm saying.

Or, as the commentator doing the Big Ten tournament so aptly described it "They may have revolutionized whatever but they ruined Michigan basketball for two decades"
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BrutusBobcat;1890918; said:
Don't leave out Daequan Cook, David Lighty and Othello Hunter. The full Thad Five > > > Fab Five.

I'll also take Evan Turner, Jon Diebler, Dallas Lauderdale and Kosta Koufos over the Fab Five.

And as Kyle mentioned, Lucas and Havilcek by themselves are greater than any Michigan recruit or player EVER, not to mention their Freshman class also contained a third starter (Mel Nowell) and a reserve named Robert Montgomery Knight.

So, if the "Fab Five" were an OSU recruiting class, we wouldn't even have them in our top three. Enjoy your vacated history. :lol:

I know. But figuring that he's likely a true Michigan fan, he probably only knew Oden and Conley's name and I'm not 100% sure he recognized Conley as it is. I was just trying to keep it on his level, because the children sometimes won't learn if you talk wayyyy over their head :biggrin:
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Bucklion;1890954; said:
Or, as the commentator doing the Big Ten tournament so aptly described it "They may have revolutionized whatever but they ruined Michigan basketball for two decades"

That was the best thing that Jim Nantz ever said. Later in the day, Bob Knight expressed some negative opinions about them as well, after Brent read a promo for the ESPN show on them.
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The current radio play-by-play guy from scUM bball has a morning sports radio show in Detroit (WDFN). He was going on this morning about how all the fab 5 would talk about those first two years was winning championships. He went on to say how it rubbed him the wrong way that Jalen Rose was now bragging that they're remembered even more than the championship teams.
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BigJim;1890964; said:
The current radio play-by-play guy from scUM bball has a morning sports radio show in Detroit (WDFN). He was going on this morning about how all the fab 5 would talk about those first two years was winning championships. He went on to say how it rubbed him the wrong way that Jalen Rose was now bragging that they're remembered even more than the championship teams.

Michigan Basketball: Celebrating ALMOST winning since 1991.

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The "Fab 5" had a cool nickname for a recruiting class, and wore black socks. Yippee-Kye-Fuckin'-A.

There is a reason that the 30 for 30 piece (which I haven't yet seen) was produced by 2 of the 5, and that reason is that no-one but scUM fans and the "fab-u-lous" 5 sees that class as anything truly remarkable.

Shit, my dad wore black socks with his sneakers while playing one-on-one with me in the driveway after he got home from the office. They stole his fashion statement!!!
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yet all these years later folks still talk about the fab 4(I dis-owned Webber)

Honesty why people still talk about them is beyond me. They never even one a big ten title. I wish they would just go away:!
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germ;1890915; said:
Well we made it to the dance and a better seed than I expected. For a team that is the youngest in the Big Ten, MI did a pretty good job.

Good luck to all, I have Big Ten school winning it all in my bracket, don't let me down!!!!

I don't know guys....I hate to admit it that Scum is on the uptick, however they are a big guy away from starting to make some noise in the conference....
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Wingate1217;1890992; said:
I don't know guys....I hate to admit it that Scum is on the uptick, however they are a big guy away from starting to make some noise in the conference....

Yeah and the best player in MI is headed to you guys next year. Big guy out of Detroit Country Day.

We have a big guy coming, but I am not sure he's the real deal yet.
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