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ttun basketball (Juwan out, Dusty May in)

BigJim;1891303; said:
Is he a big tall goofy looking white kid that shoots threes?

Like Paulus, the Coner has 1 more year :p
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Wingate1217;1890992; said:
I don't know guys....I hate to admit it that Scum is on the uptick, however they are a big guy away from starting to make some noise in the conference....

Quick rant not aimed at you but this Oh's No's theory in general;

All I hear is about UM being the youngest team in the B10, watch out next year yadda yadda yadda. Fuck them, they went from absolute trash to mediocre and now its watch out for them? The lesson they failed to learn from Barwis mania is that their perceived improvement doesn't happen in a vacuum. Other teams are going to improve and find ways to compete as well.

Thad Matta just won the B10 regular season and conference championships the year after losing the National Player of The Year. Also, it isn't like OSU is losing 7 seniors and will be relying on a team that is all in high school right now or anything. Craft and Thomas alone would be reason enough to be excited about next year for any other school in the B10. Thad is going to add what Siebert, another stud recruiting class and a chance that Buford stays another year? I'm sure I'm forgetting someone and I'm not even touching on the fact there is a better than they want to admit chance Sullinger comes back.

Bottom line to me is Thad's proven track record of reloading outweighs Beileins track record of doing any fucking thing by about eleventy billion.
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Jaxbuck;1891321; said:
Quick rant not aimed at you but this Oh's No's theory in general;

All I hear is about UM being the youngest team in the B10, watch out next year yadda yadda yadda. [censored] them, they went from absolute trash to mediocre and now its watch out for them? The lesson they failed to learn from Barwis mania is that their perceived improvement doesn't happen in a vacuum. Other teams are going to improve and find ways to compete as well.

Thad Matta just won the B10 regular season and conference championships the year after losing the National Player of The Year. Also, it isn't like OSU is losing 7 seniors and will be relying on a team that is all in high school right now or anything. Craft and Thomas alone would be reason enough to be excited about next year for any other school in the B10. Thad is going to add what Siebert, another stud recruiting class and a chance that Buford stays another year? I'm sure I'm forgetting someone and I'm not even touching on the fact there is a better than they want to admit chance Sullinger comes back.

Bottom line to me is Thad's proven track record of reloading outweighs Beileins track record of doing any [censored]ing thing by about eleventy billion.

I could not agree more, but you first have to be loaded with some talent before one can reload. This is the first team at MI in a long time that could at least compete with other teams in the Big Ten and other leagues.

I don't see them as being great next year, but I do see them competing with teams and winning a few.
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germ;1891377; said:
I could not agree more, but you first have to be loaded with some talent before one can reload. This is the first team at MI in a long time that could at least compete with other teams in the Big Ten and other leagues.

They competed with good teams this year? That's news to me:

vs Syracuse -- loss
vs Purdue -- loss
@ Wisconsin -- loss
vs Kansas -- loss
vs. Ohio St. -- loss
@ Ohio St. -- loss
vs. Wisconsin -- loss

UM's best wins of the season are against equally mediocre Illinois (19-13) and Michigan St. (19-14). As I've said before, they got into the tournament by fattening up on the dregs of the Big Ten. Don't let the fact that a lot of very mediocre teams get into the NCAA tournament every year confuse you such that you think UM is a program on the rise or that they can compete with or beat good teams.
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buckeyesin07;1891403; said:
They competed with good teams this year? That's news to me:

vs Syracuse -- loss by 3
vs Purdue -- loss
@ Wisconsin -- loss
vs Kansas -- loss OT Loss
vs. Ohio St. -- loss loss by 4
@ Ohio St. -- loss lostt by 9
vs. Wisconsin -- loss (don't remind me)

UM's best wins of the season are against equally mediocre Illinois (19-13) and Michigan St. (19-14). As I've said before, they got into the tournament by fattening up on the dregs of the Big Ten. Don't let the fact that a lot of very mediocre teams get into the NCAA tournament every year confuse you such that you think UM is a program on the rise or that they can compete with or beat good teams.

Good grief, LOL

They competed very well against all those teams also, not one blew them out both times. With a bit more experiance and some dumb ass luck MI may win a few of those next year.
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buckeyesin07;1891403; said:
They competed with good teams this year? That's news to me:

vs Syracuse -- loss
vs Purdue -- loss
@ Wisconsin -- loss
vs Kansas -- loss
vs. Ohio St. -- loss
@ Ohio St. -- loss
vs. Wisconsin -- loss

UM's best wins of the season are against equally mediocre Illinois (19-13) and Michigan St. (19-14). As I've said before, they got into the tournament by fattening up on the dregs of the Big Ten. Don't let the fact that a lot of very mediocre teams get into the NCAA tournament every year confuse you such that you think UM is a program on the rise or that they can compete with or beat good teams.
Might not mean much to you, or many others, but they took a very good Kansas team to OT, played tOSU pretty tough twice and hung with a very good 'Cuse team. Compared to some of the embarrassments they're used to up there, you'd have to have on some serious blinders to not see that they're an improved team. Given how young they are this year, I could see some of those L's turning to W's next year.

Now, that's not to say I see them as a serious threat to make a lot of noise...just a team that could be a thorn in a lot of team's sides. I don't think Beilein's system lends itself to a lot of success in this conference. Plus, his last team with weighty expectations ('09-10 with Harris/Sims, et al) collapsed in hilarious fashion. I'm not 100% convinced that doesn't happen again, but I do see some potential in guys like Hardaway, Morgan, Smotrycz (sp?). Maybe Morris too if they could get him to stop grinding their offense to a halt by dribbling 35 miles a game.
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germ;1891408; said:
Good grief, LOL

They competed very well against all those teams also, not one blew them out both times. With a bit more experiance and some dumb ass luck MI may win a few of those next year.

And without some of that "dumb ass luck" UM might have lost any of the following games:

vs Harvard (3 point win)
@ Michigan St. (4 point win)
@ PSU (3 point win)
vs Indiana (4 point win)
@ Iowa (3 point OT win)
vs Illinois (5 point win)

Any of which may have cost you an NCAA tournament bid. Funny how a lot of UM fans subscribe to the "near misses" theory while failing to recognize that the same logic applies to their close wins.
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germ;1891408; said:
Good grief, LOL

They competed very well against all those teams also, not one blew them out both times. With a bit more experiance and some dumb ass luck MI may win a few of those next year.

Germ has a point and I think what we as Buckeye fans need to come to grips with is;

Just as in football, Weasel hoops have clearly separated themselves from the worst 2-3 teams in the B10. They can play games against the good teams and not get completely embarrassed (for the most part) and when enough things break their way they get actual wins against middle of the road type teams.

The football team went 3-5 in conference, the hoops team 9-9. They've gone from abysmal to mediocre. That's reason for celebration in AA these days folks.
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GeorgiaBuck2;1891471; said:
Man, Germ is getting hammered.

I'll agree with you Germ, Michigan has definitely improved from last year to this year. I could see why you might be excited in the future.

Thank you

All I have said, they are not great, not even good yet. From the start of the year to the end they improved.

The won some close games and lost some close games. They are competing again against best teams.

If few of them stick around few years, they are going to be fun to watch.
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Jaxbuck;1891439; said:
Germ has a point and I think what we as Buckeye fans need to come to grips with is;

Just as in football, Weasel hoops have clearly separated themselves from the worst 2-3 teams in the B10. They can play games against the good teams and not get completely embarrassed (for the most part) and when enough things break their way they get actual wins against middle of the road type teams.

The football team went 3-5 in conference, the hoops team 9-9. They've gone from abysmal to mediocre. That's reason for celebration in AA these days folks.

Baby steps, but our mens diving team is kicking ass:biggrin:
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I agree with germ.

But I also agree with Jax.

Michigan is much improved this year. They've gone from "shitty" to "less shitty than last year." Next year they should hit "not too bad" to "surprising."

I think Michigan stands a solid chance of moving up from a four-way tie for fourth place to perhaps sole possession of third or fourth place by next year.
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