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ttun basketball (Juwan out, Dusty May in)

CWood2;1890811; said:
Regardless how you feel about the school, you have to admit that what they actually did accomplish as Freshamn & Sophomores is great. Ok so we had 5 high school superstars that didn't win a championship. How many times have Oh St been ranked #1 or have a top seed going into the tourney and not win? It's the same deal, you are beating the teams you're supposed to be beating but can't win the most important game. Like I said, these guys were freshamn & sophomores.

Aww isn't that cute you guys beat that team twice in the 91-92 season but didnt win when it counted! Shouldn't that go in the category of beating teams you're supposed to beat? Yes we did lose to Duke by a wide margin & again the following season, but it's not like Duke was all of a sudden an inferior team.

Face it your dislike for UM has your "review" of this documentary very, very biased.
Nobody has ever called an OSU team "revolutionary" or done a documentary on them. For all the hype, they didn't accomplish much. That's the point. Read and comprehend.
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CWood2;1890811; said:
Regardless how you feel about the school, you have to admit that what they actually did accomplish as Freshamn & Sophomores is great. Ok so we had 5 high school superstars that didn't win a championship. How many times have Oh St been ranked #1 or have a top seed going into the tourney and not win? It's the same deal, you are beating the teams you're supposed to be beating but can't win the most important game. Like I said, these guys were freshamn & sophomores.

Aww isn't that cute you guys beat that team twice in the 91-92 season but didnt win when it counted! Shouldn't that go in the category of beating teams you're supposed to beat? Yes we did lose to Duke by a wide margin & again the following season, but it's not like Duke was all of a sudden an inferior team.

Face it your dislike for UM has your "review" of this documentary very, very biased.

Time-Out..time-out...wait...I don't have any left.
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NFBuck;1890781; said:
I actually have them knocking Tennessee off. The Vols are thoroughly mediocre this year, so not sure how you see it getting ugly.

Tennessee was mediocre, in part, because of Pearl's 8-game absence. Granted, they have the ability to totally sleepwalk through games, and if that happens, UM could win. But they also have the ability to play with and beat the best teams in the country--they beat Pitt in Pittsburgh. UM hasn't shown that they can beat any top-flight team this year. UM is a team that got into the tournament by fattening up on also-rans like Iowa and Northwestern and their "good" wins came against reeling programs like MSU and Illinois. The next time UM beats a good team will be the first.

Talent-wise this game isn't even close (e.g., UM has no one who can check Hopson). It's just a matter of whether Pearl can motivate UT to play. And given his recent success in the NCAA touranment, I think he will.
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NFBuck;1890812; said:
Nobody has ever called an OSU team "revolutionary" or done a documentary on them. For all the hype, they didn't accomplish much. That's the point. Read and comprehend.

Oh I was able to comprehend everything clearly. Oh St never had a class like UM did that year. As much as you might not like it, that class did have a HUGE influence on the college b-ball scene & pop culture. Please tell me what Oh St b-ball team would even be worthy of a ducumentary? What Oh St b-ball team had a huge influence on the sport as well as pop culture?

Again as I pointed out, Oh St gets #1 seeds or #1 rankings & are hyped up etc, but have won the same amount of titles. That's my point. Maybe before someone goes around blabbing their gums should sit back & comprehend what I'm saying.
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CWood2;1890811; said:
Regardless how you feel about the school, you have to admit that what they actually did accomplish as Freshamn & Sophomores is great. Ok so we had 5 high school superstars that didn't win a championship. How many times have Oh St been ranked #1 or have a top seed going into the tourney and not win? It's the same deal, you are beating the teams you're supposed to be beating but can't win the most important game. Like I said, these guys were freshamn & sophomores.

Aww isn't that cute you guys beat that team twice in the 91-92 season but didnt win when it counted! Shouldn't that go in the category of beating teams you're supposed to beat? Yes we did lose to Duke by a wide margin & again the following season, but it's not like Duke was all of a sudden an inferior team.

Face it your dislike for UM has your "review" of this documentary very, very biased.

Oden and Conley > The "Fab Five"
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CWood2;1890834; said:
Oh I was able to comprehend everything clearly. Oh St never had a class like UM did that year. As much as you might not like it, that class did have a HUGE influence on the college b-ball scene & pop culture. Please tell me what Oh St b-ball team would even be worthy of a ducumentary? What Oh St b-ball team had a huge influence on the sport as well as pop culture?

Again as I pointed out, Oh St gets #1 seeds or #1 rankings & are hyped up etc, but have won the same amount of titles. That's my point. Maybe before someone goes around blabbing their gums should sit back & comprehend what I'm saying.

What the hell is a ducumentary?

What's your point?
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CWood2;1890834; said:
Oh I was able to comprehend everything clearly. Oh St never had a class like UM did that year. As much as you might not like it, that class did have a HUGE influence on the college b-ball scene & pop culture. Please tell me what Oh St b-ball team would even be worthy of a ducumentary? What Oh St b-ball team had a huge influence on the sport as well as pop culture?

Again as I pointed out, Oh St gets #1 seeds or #1 rankings & are hyped up etc, but have won the same amount of titles. That's my point. Maybe before someone goes around blabbing their gums should sit back & comprehend what I'm saying.

Baggy Shorts + Black Socks + Largest Pay for Play scandal in NCAA history = Fab 5 legacy

To quote Bo Ryan; deal with it.
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CWood2;1890834; said:
Oh I was able to comprehend everything clearly. Oh St never had a class like UM did that year. As much as you might not like it, that class did have a HUGE influence on the college b-ball scene & pop culture. Please tell me what Oh St b-ball team would even be worthy of a ducumentary? What Oh St b-ball team had a huge influence on the sport as well as pop culture?

Again as I pointed out, Oh St gets #1 seeds or #1 rankings & are hyped up etc, but have won the same amount of titles. That's my point. Maybe before someone goes around blabbing their gums should sit back & comprehend what I'm saying.
Maybe you should take your ass back to the um boards instead of trying to stir shit here. I'll never understand why fans of rivals feel the need to go on their rivals board and defend their team like it's their job. I comprehended what you were saying just fine, smart guy. The entire point was that for as much hype and recognition the "fab 5" received, their accomplishments were pretty minimal. At least the "Thad five" won their conference with a lot less hype. Now scurry back to the um boards and tell everybody what meanies we are. :lol:
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CWood2;1890834; said:
Oh I was able to comprehend everything clearly. Oh St never had a class like UM did that year.
Except for that whole two of the fifty greatest NBA players of all time in one recruiting class thing.


Tried to find Juwan Howard's bio...but only found a link to the Subway he now manages. Sorry.
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BUCKYLE;1890813; said:
Time-Out..time-out...wait...I don't have any left.

Ohhh I get it....you typed that & are making a joke of what Webber did. Yea that's pretty funny no doubt, but again at least UM was actually in a national championship game close enough where a time out actually mattered.
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Oh I was able to comprehend everything clearly. Oh St never had a class like UM did that year. As much as you might not like it, that class did have a HUGE influence on the college b-ball scene & pop culture. Please tell me what Oh St b-ball team would even be worthy of a ducumentary? What Oh St b-ball team had a huge influence on the sport as well as pop culture?

Again as I pointed out, Oh St gets #1 seeds or #1 rankings & are hyped up etc, but have won the same amount of titles. That's my point. Maybe before someone goes around blabbing their gums should sit back & comprehend what I'm saying.
it's all about you, isn't it.
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CWood2;1890843; said:
Ohhh I get it....you typed that & are making a joke of what Webber did. Yea that's pretty funny no doubt, but again at least UM was actually in a national championship game close enough where a time out actually mattered.

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