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ttun basketball (Juwan out, Dusty May in)

Dryden;1891482; said:
Next year they should hit "not too bad" to "surprising."

Assuming of course everything continues to go well for them.

Any injuries, early defections, eligibility issues or just simple regression and they are still squarely in the "mediocre at best-capable of full retard shitty" range.

There is many a slip twixt a cup and a lip.
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germ;1891408; said:
Good grief, LOL

They competed very well against all those teams also, not one blew them out both times. With a bit more experiance and some dumb ass luck MI may win a few of those next year.

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Jaxbuck;1891487; said:
Assuming of course everything continues to go well for them.

Any injuries, early defections, eligibility issues or just simple regression and they are still squarely in the "mediocre at best-capable of full retard shitty" range.

There is many a slip twixt a cup and a lip.
I think the only early defection danger is Morris, and as I've said numerous times, and as they showed in the BTT, they actually seem to play better without him.
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Jaxbuck;1891487; said:
Assuming of course everything continues to go well for them.

Any injuries, early defections, eligibility issues or just simple regression and they are still squarely in the "mediocre at best-capable of full retard [Mark May]ty" range.

There is many a slip twixt a cup and a lip.

Well who knows, this year we were not even suppose to be in the NCAA or finish 500 in the big ten.

BTW you guys cannot lose, my Bracket has you guys winning it all, DON"T let me down!!!!!
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germ;1891500; said:
Well who knows, this year we were not even suppose to be in the NCAA or finish 500 in the big ten.

No one knows the future but maybe the big leap forward this year was all the leaping they are going to do.

Happened to us in 2008 football, everyone ignored all the weaknesses on the 2007 team and took improvement as a given just because they'd be a year older. That type of thing takes on a life of its own and that summer most of the talk was debating the '08 teams place in Buckeye history.

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DZ83CK;1891512; said:
Remind me again how UM fared the last season they were supposed to be good? I seem to recall the preseason prognosticators had them ranked in the 2009-10 season ... how exactly did that end up?
They were actually preseason #15 IIRC in 2009. Finished 15-17, 7-11. The makeup of next year's team could be pretty similar to that one. Looking at Beilein's track record, it seems to be a bit of a trend that his teams do considerably better when expectations are low. We'll see if that trend continues next fall...
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NFBuck;1891528; said:
They were actually preseason #15 IIRC in 2009. Finished 15-17, 7-11. The makeup of next year's team could be pretty similar to that one. Looking at Beilein's track record, it seems to be a bit of a trend that his teams do considerably better when expectations are low. We'll see if that trend continues next fall...

Last year team was a disappointment for sure. The reasons were many to poor defense, to selfish play by two so called stars of the team.

I was not so hyped about last years team. I thought they would be a top 5 big ten team. They played what I call lazy basket ball most of the year.
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Jaxbuck;1891583; said:
Couldn't get past the baggy shorts and black socks bro, sorry.

I don't mean in the documentary, I mean yesterday. Rose did a good job of talking out of both sides of his ass, but he basically said that Duke recruits a certain type of person, and anyone who goes there and is black is an "Uncle Tom" (I hate that term). The worst part was listening to Dana "The Ed" Jacobsen slobber all over them "as a Michigan alum, I admire your honesty..." blah blah whinny whinny. Even Skip Bayless ran to their defense, which I doubt he would have done for most anyone else who made such a comment.
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I had the Heat game on last night while I was working for background noise, and Rose was one of the in studio commentators. Every time the broke to the studio, whomever the bitch that was with him kept referring him to as "producer of ESPN's 30 for 30 on the Fab 5". I wanted to choke her.
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Kendall Gill has also come out and said the Fab 5 ripped off the baggy shorts from the Flyin' Illini of 88/89. Said Rose and Webber specifically asked Gill and Bardo about the baggy shorts.


Flyin' Illini: 1, Fab 5: 0

OK. So they don't have winning, and they don't have baggy shorts either.

They've always got the black socks, I guess. But now I have to wonder, what is wrong with the white socks? Huh, Jalen?
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