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ttun basketball (Juwan out, Dusty May in)

Merih;1891847; said:
I've seen a ton of Michigan fans waxing poetic over the Fab Five, while at the same time degrading Ohio State over our recent issues with the NCAA. Hmm.

As a black male who grew up with next to nothing, I've always regarded the 1980s John Thompson led Hoyas squads as the true revolutionaries. Black head coach, black starting five, conference champs, and national champs. And clean.

That was mentioned in Jason Whitlock's article, which was posted yesterday.

I thought that Whitlock also should have mentioned the 1966 Texas-Western (now UTEP) victory over Adolph Rupp's Kentucky team in the NCAA Title Game, even though he's too young to remember it. It was a more historic event, but it wasn't a team that was frequently watched by millions on TV.
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I've seen a ton of Michigan fans waxing poetic over the Fab Five, while at the same time degrading Ohio State over our recent issues with the NCAA. Hmm.

As a black male who grew up with next to nothing, I've always regarded the 1980s John Thompson led Hoyas squads as the true revolutionaries. Black head coach, black starting five, conference champs, and national champs. And clean.
well......not caught anyways.
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WolverineMike;1891837; said:
it's up to the individual as to how they'll remember the Fab Five. I'll remember them for the brash toughness they played with on the court. The swagger, the joy they had playing, and the joy I had watching.

that's my point.......

I completely agree.

I have no idea who the running backs were at SMU after Dickerson and James left.
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WolverineMike;1891799; said:
like them or not, they will be remembered.

Ted Kaczynski will, too. Apparently "being remembered" is of overriding importance to folks at the University of Michigan.
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MaxBuck;1891890; said:

Ted Kaczynski will, too. Apparently "being remembered" is of overriding importance to folks at the University of Michigan.
it's of no importance how you guys remember them to me. I get it. In 10 posts i've seen Kaczynski and Nazi references. I'm talking about some kids playing a game that entertained me when I was in high school. Way to serious

Like I said, it was a fluff piece that as a UM fan was fun to watch.
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WolverineMike;1891904; said:
it's of no importance how you guys remember them to me. I get it. In 10 posts i've seen Kaczynski and Nazi references. I'm talking about some kids playing a game that entertained me when I was in high school. Way to serious

Like I said, it was a fluff piece that as a UM fan was fun to watch.

Nazis killed Jews.
Kaczynski sent bombs thru the mail.
The fab five killed TSUN hoops.
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BUCKYLE;1891934; said:
Nazis killed Jews.
Kaczynski sent bombs thru the mail.
The fab five killed TSUN hoops.
congrats, that is the stupidest thing i've ever read. I'm sure all the Jews in the world are really impressed with you comparing their suffrage to a couple of idiots that played basketball in the 90's
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WolverineMike;1891983; said:
congrats, that is the stupidest thing i've ever read. I'm sure all the Jews in the world are really impressed with you comparing their suffrage to a couple of idiots that played basketball in the 90's

Legacy = A couple of idiots that played basketball in the 90's
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Didn't Rumeal (sp? Who knows or cares, it's a made up name anyway?) Robinson steal his foster mom's life savings or some [Mark May] like that?

Fcuk michigan

"His fraudulent actions forced two people into bankruptcy, resulted in the eviction of his mother from the home where she had lived with foster children for more than 30 years and put Community State Bank at risk of losing more than $1 million."
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