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ttun basketball (Juwan out, Dusty May in)

Jalen Rose is an ignorant, racist fuckwit. Plus he violated NCAA rules without any remorse. Plus he's a fucking Wolverine, making him the lowest form of life on earth, lower by far than the blue-green algae that plagues Grand Lake St. Mary.

Otherwise I got no probs with the guy.
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CWood2;1890843; said:
Ohhh I get it....you typed that & are making a joke of what Webber did. Yea that's pretty funny no doubt, but again at least UM was actually in a national championship game close enough where a time out actually mattered.

After all these years, it still kills me that anyone still mentions this crap. If the ref calls the OBVIOUS step-and-a-half walk, right in front of his freaking face, the timeout :slappy: is not an issue. The suspense ends much earlier. Deal With It.
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it was a total fluff piece, but I still enjoyed it.

I didn't really care for them trying to make it out like everyone should feel sorry for them. what they did was wrong

I was sad that Webber declined to be a part of it.

best line was Rose saying "can you tell me who won the game two years ago? who won it 5 years ago? who the 5 starters were on UNC that beat us?"

he's totally right. They were a legacy.
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i won't remember much about Paris Hilton.........but he's right. I can't name half of the teams that won titles in the last 10 years. and of those I couldn't tell you most the players on the court either.

like them or not, they will be remembered.
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MaxBuck;1891759; said:
Jalen Rose is an ignorant, racist [censored]wit. Plus he violated NCAA rules without any remorse. Plus he's a [censored]ing Wolverine, making him the lowest form of life on earth, lower by far than the blue-green algae that plagues Grand Lake St. Mary.

Otherwise I got no probs with the guy.

How is he a racist? He clearly stated that is how he felt about Duke as a 17 year old high school kid. He was bitter more than anything... quite frankly I felt the same way about Duke's program during that timeframe. I thought it was a very well done documentary, albeit very one sided.
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goblue15;1891809; said:
How is he a racist? He clearly stated that is how he felt about Duke as a 17 year old high school kid. He was bitter more than anything... quite frankly I felt the same way about Duke's program during that timeframe.
and yet duke ended up being justified for not recruiting kids like those who composed the fab 5.
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WolverineMike;1891792; said:
it was a total fluff piece, but I still enjoyed it.

I didn't really care for them trying to make it out like everyone should feel sorry for them. what they did was wrong

I was sad that Webber declined to be a part of it.

best line was Rose saying "can you tell me who won the game two years ago? who won it 5 years ago? who the 5 starters were on UNC that beat us?"

he's totally right. They were a legacy.

Everyone remembers the Nazis too. What's your fucking point?
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WolverineMike;1891837; said:
it's up to the individual as to how they'll remember the Fab Five. I'll remember them for the brash toughness they played with on the court. The swagger, the joy they had playing, and the joy I had watching.

that's my point.......

Brash toughness...swagger? :lol:

I'll remember them for being overrated, arrogant douches that cheated while winning nothing of importance. Oh, and for the T.O.
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I've seen a ton of Michigan fans waxing poetic over the Fab Five, while at the same time degrading Ohio State over our recent issues with the NCAA. Hmm.

As a black male who grew up with next to nothing, I've always regarded the 1980s John Thompson led Hoyas squads as the true revolutionaries. Black head coach, black starting five, conference champs, and national champs. And clean.
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