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ttun basketball (Juwan out, Dusty May in)

I didn't have a problem with it. Two minutes left in the half no reason to pick up a cheap one, IF there was going to be a chance to win the game we would need them more at the end of the game opposed to the final minutes of the 1st half.
Except when the other teams always go on 10 point scoring runs when he sits them and has to play scrubs that would struggle to find playing time in the MAC, it doesn't matter. He needs his best players on the court, adjust the defensive assignments or something but sitting them and letting the other team go on a scoring run to close the half isn't working. Or don't change anything cause I like seeing tsun lose.
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I didn't have a problem with it. Two minutes left in the half no reason to pick up a cheap one, IF there was going to be a chance to win the game we would need them more at the end of the game opposed to the final minutes of the 1st half.

The team is not that talented right now. I would rather have a freshman like MAAR out there learning how to play with 2 fouls than wasting away on the bench. MAAR seems to come alive in the second half, is it because he's a better second half player? Or is it because he's playing the first half scared not wanting to pick of fouls.
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The team is not that talented right now. I would rather have a freshman like MAAR out there learning how to play with 2 fouls than wasting away on the bench. MAAR seems to come alive in the second half, is it because he's a better second half player? Or is it because he's playing the first half scared not wanting to pick of fouls.

Just curious as to whether you're aware of the hilarity of your description of "come alive" with respect to a player that has averaged, over his past five games, less than 6 points per game, despite the fact that over that same period of time, he has averaged almost 35 minutes per game. :lol:
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Just curious as to whether you're aware of the hilarity of your description of "come alive" with respect to a player that has averaged, over his past five games, less than 6 points per game, despite the fact that over that same period of time, he has averaged almost 35 minutes per game. :lol:
Good point, but I think I saw some similar commentary about a certain Buckeye big man yesterday evening ...
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Nobody else liked that Northwestern player (I think his name was Demp or Kemp, but who really cares) trolling Michigan by hitting a three at the end of regulation to send the game into overtime, and hitting another three at the end of the first overtime to send the game into double overtime? Especially when Northwestern won the game in double OT? And to cap it all off, it guaranteed that Michigan would have a sub-.500 record in conference this year (to go along with their sub-.500 record overall). :lol:
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WTF is Adidas making all their teams wear cummerbunds for the post season?

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