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ttun basketball (Juwan out, Dusty May in)

Shut your dirty mouth! We love the Adidas contract for TSUN.

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Anyone who thinks Beilein is an elite coach is a moron. He's a mediocre recruiter who, when he's able to luck into an exceptional lineup, doesn't fuck things up beyond recognition. That's about it.
Elite? No. But given the track record over the previous couple of years prior to this one, even I have to admit he's pretty good. This year, their best player was hurt early on, they lost their PG during B1G play, and lost a ton from last year. Bielein is a solid coach that is pretty good at recruiting players to his system. I think he's a pretty flawed in-game coach...but so are a lot of good coaches. Elite? Absolutely not. Even with the guys they lost to injury, I still think they were probably an 18-20 team/borderline NCAA tourney team tops. We'll see how they bounce back next year, because like Mike said, they should have pretty much everybody back, and a lot of youngsters got valuable playing time this year. A bad year after a few pretty good tourney runs and a national championship game appearance isn't quite a "sinking ship" in my, IMO. Hey, he's at least a step up from Amaker. :lol:

I think one of the things Thad has over him is he's not a "system coach." With that, tOSU's floor will always be higher than Beilein's. Thad's down years still net him 22-25 wins and tournament appearances. Beilein's to this point, do not.
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