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ttun basketball (Juwan out, Dusty May in)

Tough season, for sure. 5 in a row is tough, but the only blowout has been to Iowa. They outscored sparty in the second half tonight. With all the injuries they've had, the team hasn't quit. They've been in most games they've lost. It gives me some hope for next year at least. Beating osu this weekend would be the lone bright spot of the season, but I would be shocked if it happened.
I always love when somebody brings up a tidbit like this. :lol:
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Tough season, for sure. 5 in a row is tough, but the only blowout has been to Iowa.

Last night was a blowout. The game was decided by halftime, and the only thing in question in the second half was what time the victors would be jumping on the bus to head back to East Lansing.

With all the injuries they've had, the team hasn't quit.

Ah, the injuries excuse. You must not have been paying attention early in the season, but Michigan was trash before the injuries--good teams don't lose to NJIT and Eastern Michigan
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Tough season, for sure. 5 in a row is tough, but the only blowout has been to Iowa. They outscored sparty in the second half tonight. With all the injuries they've had, the team hasn't quit. They've been in most games they've lost. It gives me some hope for next year at least. Beating osu this weekend would be the lone bright spot of the season, but I would be shocked if it happened.

They outscored the NJIT in the first half too. They didn't quit in the second half, the clock just ran out right after NJIT had outscored them by 7.

Don't lose hope, everything is looking real good. Beilein knows what he's doing.
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Beating your rival is always a season salvager. Hopefully Doyle doesn't have any lingering effects from his injury.

Good luck in the Big Dance, osu.

Missed this bit of brilliance

How exactly in the fuck is splitting the season series a "season salvager" and shouldn't you have moved on to UK hoops fever by now?
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As much as I love Beilein, I can't stand his auto bench policy when a guy gets two fouls. Putting Irvin and MAAR on the bench at the end of the first half because they had two fouls let Maryland close on a 12-0 run. UM goes on to lose by 10. I know it's not always that cut and dry, but you have to look at it on a game by game basis.

I didn't have a problem with it. Two minutes left in the half no reason to pick up a cheap one, IF there was going to be a chance to win the game we would need them more at the end of the game opposed to the final minutes of the 1st half.
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