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ttun basketball (Juwan out, Dusty May in)

tsun's finest are throwing up some serious bricks this year: Burke shooting .374%, Robinson III shooting .350%, Hardaway Jr shooting .392 and Stauskas (who is probably the worst player in the NBA this year) shooting a ghastly .349%

That's not good at all. I'm not a huge fan of the NBA so I don't really follow. Thanks for the update. It is kinda nice to have some guys playing in the NBA though. It amazes me that even though recently we have put some guys in the league, and having a some nice tourny runs, and winning the big ten. That recruiting has been as awful as it has been.
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For the record this is year 8 at scUM for Beilein and contrary to the popular belief up there that Beilein is a great coach and they are a consistent winner under him;
  • it's two (2)nice tournament runs
  • one (1) outright regular season big ten championship
  • a 3 way share of another (bounced in the tourney by co-champ OSU)
  • he has never won the B1G tournament championship.
  • has completely missed the NCAA tournament twice (working on the trifecta this year)
  • been bounced from NCAA's in the second round twice
  • been bounced in the third round once
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For the record this is year 8 at scUM for Beilein and contrary to the popular belief up there that Beilein is a great coach and they are a consistent winner under him;
  • it's two (2)nice tournament runs
  • one (1) outright regular season big ten championship
  • a 3 way share of another (bounced in the tourney by co-champ OSU)
  • he has never won the B1G tournament championship.
  • has completely missed the NCAA tournament twice (working on the trifecta this year)
  • been bounced from NCAA's in the second round twice
  • been bounced in the third round once
View attachment 10544

I didn't say consistent winner under him, looks like I stated what success we have had has been recent. We have seemed to be in on some good talent, but never bring them home. You would figure putting a few good seasons together in a row would build momentum yet it hasn't. If anything it's more me saying i'm disappointed than praising him.
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I don't think many thought he would put 5 kids into the NBA in 2 years. That really hurt the product that is out there right now. Most of it is undeveloped talent. Last week vs Rutgers, I think it was, there was a stretch where he was playing 3 true freshman and 2 walk ons. This team is super young, and not Kentucky young where they are so talented a lot of mistakes can be erased with athleticism.

They went toe to toe with Wisconsin and took them to OT. That gives me hope for NEXT season. But this season is probably a wash with the difficulty of the remainder of the schedule.
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I don't think many thought he would put 5 kids into the NBA in 2 years. That really hurt the product that is out there right now. Most of it is undeveloped talent. Last week vs Rutgers, I think it was, there was a stretch where he was playing 3 true freshman and 2 walk ons. This team is super young, and not Kentucky young where they are so talented a lot of mistakes can be erased with athleticism.

They went toe to toe with Wisconsin and took them to OT. That gives me hope for NEXT season. But this season is probably a wash with the difficulty of the remainder of the schedule.
The problem is he is a very good in game coach that is a very weak recruiter. They whiffed on virtually everyone they wanted and many of those misses involved a one time lead for Michigan.

As for Wisconsin, they were slain by Rutgers, so will UM start out behind them preseason ?
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The problem is he is a very good in game coach that is a very weak recruiter. They whiffed on virtually everyone they wanted and many of those misses involved a one time lead for Michigan.

As for Wisconsin, they were slain by Rutgers, so will UM start out behind them preseason ?

Pretty sure Wisconsin was without Kamisky and lost Jackson in the second half of that game.

But I agree with about JB. Great in game coach, not the best recruiter.
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I don't think many thought he would put 5 kids into the NBA in 2 years. That really hurt the product that is out there right now. Most of it is undeveloped talent. Last week vs Rutgers, I think it was, there was a stretch where he was playing 3 true freshman and 2 walk ons. This team is super young, and not Kentucky young where they are so talented a lot of mistakes can be erased with athleticism.

They went toe to toe with Wisconsin and took them to OT. That gives me hope for NEXT season. But this season is probably a wash with the difficulty of the remainder of the schedule.
file that under the things that don't really need to be said.
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