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ttun basketball (Juwan out, Dusty May in)

54 FG attempts, 36 from three. They made 8.

I'm just a caveman, but seems to me if your offense is based on chucking up tons of 3s you might recruit some kids that can actually make them.
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scUM losing tonight would be epic (though likely very unlikely)

Coppin State is 1-9 with their only win coming against "goldey-beacom" whoever the hell that is

They have lost to

Towson by 8
Hampton by 19
Norfolk State by 19
Hofstra by 41!
Uconn by 21
Denver (not the Nuggets) by 26
Notre Dame by 37
Illinois by 58!!
And Oregon by 42

So basically anything under a 20 point win against these guys is a loss in sorts of a way.
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scUM losing tonight would be epic (though likely very unlikely)

Coppin State is 1-9 with their only win coming against "goldey-beacom" whoever the hell that is

They have lost to

Towson by 8
Hampton by 19
Norfolk State by 19
Hofstra by 41!
Uconn by 21
Denver (not the Nuggets) by 26
Notre Dame by 37
Illinois by 58!!
And Oregon by 42

So basically anything under a 20 point win against these guys is a loss in sorts of a way.
So, Hofstra and the University of Denver beat Coppin St. worse than UConn?
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Michigan Student Hits A Half-Court Shot 1/2 Second Too Late, Denied $10K Prize

The contest is a familiar one at college basketball games.

A student is trotted out onto the court during a break in the action, and if he/she can make a layup, a free throw, a 3-pointer and a half-court shot in a certain amount of time, they receive a prize.

During Michigan’s 72-56 victory against Coppin State Monday night, the Wolverines did the contest. And a male student hit all the shots. Layup, free throw, 3-pointer. The half-court shot, too, but it was released a half a second too late, so he doesn’t receive the $10K prize.

Entire article: http://collegespun.com/big-ten/mich...ourt-shot-12-second-too-late-denied-10k-prize
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Michigan Student Hits A Half-Court Shot 1/2 Second Too Late, Denied $10K Prize

The contest is a familiar one at college basketball games.

A student is trotted out onto the court during a break in the action, and if he/she can make a layup, a free throw, a 3-pointer and a half-court shot in a certain amount of time, they receive a prize.

During Michigan’s 72-56 victory against Coppin State Monday night, the Wolverines did the contest. And a male student hit all the shots. Layup, free throw, 3-pointer. The half-court shot, too, but it was released a half second too late...
They should have him walk on and play two guard. Better than the garbage they have there now!
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Michigan Student Hits A Half-Court Shot 1/2 Second Too Late, Denied $10K Prize

The contest is a familiar one at college basketball games.

A student is trotted out onto the court during a break in the action, and if he/she can make a layup, a free throw, a 3-pointer and a half-court shot in a certain amount of time, they receive a prize.

During Michigan’s 72-56 victory against Coppin State Monday night, the Wolverines did the contest. And a male student hit all the shots. Layup, free throw, 3-pointer. The half-court shot, too, but it was released a half a second too late, so he doesn’t receive the $10K prize.

Entire article: http://collegespun.com/big-ten/mich...ourt-shot-12-second-too-late-denied-10k-prize

10k to a student would be honorable, but not even a blip on the radar. Just give him a meal ticket plan and a ribbon. Hoke and next coach bills have to be paid.
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