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ttun basketball (Juwan out, Dusty May in)

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The sun and blue putting together a pretty nice lil collapse right now.

This is one of the things that makes Coach Matta so good---no matter the circumstances, he just doesn't have years like this.

2011, 2012 and 2013 Beilein had a nice run

4 years before that and now this 1 year after are complete garbage.

5 > 3
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Tough season, for sure. 5 in a row is tough, but the only blowout has been to Iowa. They outscored sparty in the second half tonight. With all the injuries they've had, the team hasn't quit. They've been in most games they've lost. It gives me some hope for next year at least. Beating osu this weekend would be the lone bright spot of the season, but I would be shocked if it happened.
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